[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

Best depiction of "going out with a bang" I have ever seen. That's some Daffy Duck-level stuff right there.
Also, what kind of an IED throws a car 150 feet into the air???

The car seems to "hover" in place at the top of the arc, the "explodes" and you can see a whole car fall out of the smoke cloud. Something doesn't seem right.


Staff member
I'm getting roughly 175'. Assuming average american car length of 175", I count about 12 car lengths at apex, which divides out nicely to give around 175'.[DOUBLEPOST=1429044919,1429044857][/DOUBLEPOST]
ISIS suicide bomber runs over IED, car gets blown into the air, suicide bomb detonates in midair.

Weren't you the one who just pointed out to the old man that we have a gif thread?
I'm getting roughly 175'. Assuming average american car length of 175", I count about 12 car lengths at apex, which divides out nicely to give around 175'.
I used a similar process, but I discounted the length a bit since I assumed it was a European-sized car.

Especially since the car should become shrapnel and not fly upwards fully intact.
If the explosion was under the car, then yes it would be launched mostly intact (unless the explosion was powerful enough to actually tear the car in half). The "suspicious" parts of the video are that it goes straight up, that the secondary explosion happens right at the apex, and that the car emerges from the secondary explosion relatively intact.

...also the fact that the camera appears to have known where to look before it all happens.

I would think that to throw anything that high into the air, the explosion would have to be directly under the object. Anything off to the side would cause it to fly in the opposite direction or at least in a wide arc. Also, it'd have to be massively powerful to get a standard size car up to the heights calculated, more so if it was an indirect blast. An explosion of that magnitude would more likely rip the car apart rather than fling it as one solid piece no matter what direction the force was applied from.

I'm not disputing that the gif shows the car hovering when it shouldn't and that it doesn't behave properly OR the fact that it is perfectly framed for a supposedly spontaneous event.

I actually found where the gif was made from and that says, "Before the suicide bomber reached its main goal, Peshmerga Forces were able to destroy the vehicle. As the truck took the hit, the explosives went airborne and exploded midway through the air."

edit: So, seems to be a legit gif, but just slightly inaccurate description. Not saying GB intentionally misled us either, where he got it from probably had it mislabeled as well.
Yeah, no. The local insect population and I have a deal: If they come in my house alive, they're not leaving that way.
Also, spiders and insects, while they don't breathe the way we do, still need oxygen in the air and will suffocate when enclosed in a tupperware container after a while. Soo...You could perform a decent genocide with a tupperware bowl on that spider there :)
That seems unfair. You let all the spiders leave unharmed, but you kill all the butterflies?

I was including arachnids and other multi-legged non-mammals in that.
Actually, I take that back: if you are a also a mammal who enters my home uninvited, you've signed your own death warrant.

(Okay, except for the family of raccoons that ended up in my chimney. I had them humanely removed. And that time I caught and released a bat that was in my basement. But other than those...!)[DOUBLEPOST=1429559033,1429558933][/DOUBLEPOST]
Also, spiders and insects, while they don't breathe the way we do, still need oxygen in the air and will suffocate when enclosed in a tupperware container after a while. Soo...You could perform a decent genocide with a tupperware bowl on that spider there :)
That takes too long.

Don't ask me why I know that.