You have no idea how much of my disbelief I suspend for Sword Art Online, how the fuck is Kirito NOT famous enough for people to ask him if he's THAT Kirito? And for that matter, WHY is he using that famous user name when he is supposed to be UNDER COVER?! And why does he have to ask people how the game works, games have manuals dammit! Or is my fear of the future justified where game manuals not only cease to be paper, but also cease to exist? Probably that, and if so I believe it. Either way that "It's a standard touch base interface, think you can handle it?" line felt unnecessary, I think Kirito is old enough to operate a bank machine thank you very much. Also, that slap scene was just PAINFUL to watch and easily avoidable. And yet....I still love this show. I take each each new season will have some...CRINGE inducing moments, but none is all bad and it will be mostly good. Still won't beat the original story though.