Make sure your research is thoroughly photo documented . . .
. . . for science.[DOUBLEPOST=1434673706,1434673524][/DOUBLEPOST]And remember that all research must also be extensively peer reviewed as well. And seeing as WE are your peers here . . .
Make sure your research is thoroughly photo documented . . .
. . . for science.[DOUBLEPOST=1434673706,1434673524][/DOUBLEPOST]And remember that all research must also be extensively peer reviewed as well. And seeing as WE are your peers here . . .

YES. Bring on the naked asian men.
Just a word of warning, guys--if you're going to experiment with food and sex, don't try nacho cheese.

Not only does it look unhealthy and disgusting down there, if it's got any jalapeno juice at all in it, she won't thank you for it...

Just sayin.
Ew. Ew.

Anyways, I ordered something from China like 3 weeks ago and I just checked it's tracking. Apparently it is now in the Netherlands. Taking the long way around the fucking Earth.
What if the accelerated rate that we breed chickens results in accelerated evolution and the chickens adapt to poison humanity?


Staff member
It occurs to me that the Max Planck quote I see floating around from time to time ("A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.") is perfectly illustrated by the "dinosaurs with feathers" revelation.

A lot of people will never truly accept dinos with feathers, perhaps myself included if I'm being honest.

But right now there are kids growing up for whom dinosaurs will always have been said to have feathers, so it will be normal to them.

Then again, I dug my heels in about the Brontosaurus being a thing and WELL NOW WHO'S LAUGHING

Still crossing my fingers for Pluto. We'll get you back, little buddy.
This demands to be posted on imgur/reddit/someplace. As-is, no caption.

I'm not sure I want to be a meme. On here, it's fine. Reddit/imgur? Eeeeuughh...

EDIT: You know what? It's still a funny idea, though. If you want to make a new thread "Recaption This Photo", have at it. :)

(I know I'm going to regret this...)
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I'm not sure I want to be a meme. On here, it's fine. Reddit/imgur? Eeeeuughh...

EDIT: You know what? It's still a funny idea, though. If you want to make a new thread "Recaption This Photo", have at it. :)

(I know I'm going to regret this...)
Well, be glad for the EZ Whip so they can't easily photoshop out everything but your face. I mean, the whole picture is easy to....well, not "misinterpret", because it's interpreting it just fine, but just your face would lend itself to "oh boy looking forward to this"/over-eager stuff of all kinds, shopped into practically anything. The EZ whip means they'll at least have to make a bit of an effort :p


Staff member
Pfft. You're just going to paste a photo of yourself where Mr. Z is standing.
Well I wasn't, but I AM NOW.

Actually I'm super busy at work today and the likelihood of me doing anything here in photoshop today is practically nil, and when I get home, I've got that dadblasted movie to produce, sooo...


Staff member
If you post it on Reddit, everyone is immediately going for the banana racial epithet which everyone here has carefully tiptoed around.