[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

And now Wookiee is being a whiny needy bitch. "I don't like that we do things this way, can we change everything to do it this other way I like?" No. "But" No.

At least the owner's off the premesis for a while again.
Is he one of those fresh out of college still brimming with optimism and the idea that he can change the machine?


Staff member
Is he one of those fresh out of college still brimming with optimism and the idea that he can change the machine?
No, he's worked in radio for 11 years, but in a larger market so he thinks we're all just a podunk maw and paw kettle operation that doesn't know how to do things right.
Kiki eats geckos. We have them in the house a lot because of living in HI, not because they're pets. We still try to rescue them before she can eat her "treat".
Lulu (tiny fluffy cat) used to try and break into Brick's (gecko with awful eyesight) cage and we had to put chicken wire on the poor guy's cage to keep him safe.
Friend of my brother and I died this morning. It was at like 1am so we assume it was in his sleep but we don't know details yet. Met him through WoW, and he was an awesome guy. Was only 37 years old.
Heart attack?

Dying in my sleep is my current worst nightmare. Can't say bye to my wife and daughter? Fuck.
Heart attack?

Dying in my sleep is my current worst nightmare. Can't say bye to my wife and daughter? Fuck.
Dunno. He was a pretty large guy, so it could have been any number of things. Pretty sure he'd been under some stress, too, due to a car accident and some work stuff.
The forecast keeps teasing this big, weekend-long thunderstorm. First, it was promised all day yesterday, then was forecasted as clear for the whole day. Then it was supposed to happen in the evening, then it stayed clear. Then, overnight. Now, it's saying all day today. I'm not getting my hopes up again. Really hope it finally drops, though. This humidity really needs to clear.

But I swear, this constant, changing promise of a thunderstorm makes it the Duke Nukem Forever of thunderstorms.

Hopefully, unlike DNF, the thunderstorm itself doesn't disappoint once it actually starts.
The forecast keeps teasing this big, weekend-long thunderstorm. First, it was promised all day yesterday, then was forecasted as clear for the whole day. Then it was supposed to happen in the evening, then it stayed clear. Then, overnight. Now, it's saying all day today. I'm not getting my hopes up again. Really hope it finally drops, though. This humidity really needs to clear.

But I swear, this constant, changing promise of a thunderstorm makes it the Duke Nukem Forever of thunderstorms.

Hopefully, unlike DNF, the thunderstorm itself doesn't disappoint once it actually starts.
The thunderstorm will be incredibly late, horrible quality, and weirdly misogynistic, but not in the tongue in cheek way the first set of thunderstorms were.
I'll have to get out my portrait lens in a bit and see if that was why :)

I'll either have some awesome shots or need stitches.[DOUBLEPOST=1440266155,1440266100][/DOUBLEPOST]The fish would be a fun challenge to try and get a clear picture of.
My paternal grandmother has had it bad recently. Her only brother passed away about a year ago, and then her older sister passed a few weeks ago as well. This leaves her as the oldest of her siblings now. After going to her sister's funeral, she traveled for a few weeks with one of her cousins to visit family in Mexico. She just got back Thursday and was very depressed. Late last night my dad gets a call from her saying that she's fallen down in her backyard and can't get up. Dad gets there and calls an ambulance for her. Come to find out she had broken her hip and went into surgery immediately.

I was never close to her ex-husband, my grandfather. He abandoned the family before I was born, and he and my dad didn't reconnect until I was almost in high school. He also didn't speak English, so we never really communicated. I wasn't really sad when he passed away, except for the fact that his funeral was the only time I ever saw my dad cry. I have mixed feelings for my maternal grandparents considering my child-molesting hypocritical Baptist preacher grandfather and his crazy in-denial wife that is my grandmother. But I have always been close to my Mexican grandmother, who is one of the sweetest ladies I have known. It's going to hit me hard when she passes, and I really hope it's a lot later than sooner.
The forecast keeps teasing this big, weekend-long thunderstorm. First, it was promised all day yesterday, then was forecasted as clear for the whole day. Then it was supposed to happen in the evening, then it stayed clear. Then, overnight. Now, it's saying all day today. I'm not getting my hopes up again. Really hope it finally drops, though. This humidity really needs to clear.

But I swear, this constant, changing promise of a thunderstorm makes it the Duke Nukem Forever of thunderstorms.

Hopefully, unlike DNF, the thunderstorm itself doesn't disappoint once it actually starts.
Still no thunderstorm. Forecasted AGAIN for overnight and tomorrow.

Fucking god damn mother shit cock ass crap turd cunt bullshit, I think I may have Pink Eye. Of all the shit I've ever experienced, Pink Eye was the worst.

It's really hard not to be really, really pissed off right now. When I wake up tomorrow and my eye won't open because it's dried shut with gunk, I'll be sure to rant about this again.
It seems to be clearing up, so I'm thinking it was just irritated from the eyelash I had in my eye earlier yesterday. This morning it has been clearing up and the discharging has stopped and the swelling has gone down. Phew!!

Thanks everyone! I had Pink Eye once for a week and it was the worst.
It seems to be clearing up, so I'm thinking it was just irritated from the eyelash I had in my eye earlier yesterday. This morning it has been clearing up and the discharging has stopped and the swelling has gone down. Phew!!

Thanks everyone! I had Pink Eye once for a week and it was the worst.
The heck? Shakey, you are going to explain, right?


Staff member
You know, when I was a kid, parents didn't show up for lunch at their kids' school all the time. They didn't bring birthday cupcakes for the whole class either. That maybe happened with 2 or 3 kids--the ones whose moms didn't work. With so little time for lunch, it's so stressful to have to deal with this bs for almost every single birthday.

We've already had 3 birthday visitations at lunch. 2.5 weeks in. I've been told we have a class of very "visit-y" parents. Since a lot of the kids in my class are very sensitive and a tad needy (not a criticism, they're just very young 3rd graders), it's a big, distracting upset to the day. Oh well. Minor annoyance. I'm gonna try not to worry about that and focus more energy on getting 3 kids to stop doing baby talk in class.