How to play Left 4 Dead (2).

I slept like crap anyways because I kept jerking awake because it felt like my throat was swollen shut. Yay small child germs.
Bullshit part 3 promises to be hilarious, because even my husband was laughing by the time we finished that shit. I was also laughing, but I think at that point I was having a psychotic break. [emoji14]


Staff member
Ugh I'm still getting copyright flags for that stupid russian ripoff song for every video I post that has the Tank music in it. It's enough to make me want to reinstall the King of the Hill tank mod just so I don't have to put up with it (which, ironically enough, WOULD be a valid copyright claim but youtube's stupid system doesn't seem to catch it).


Staff member
Here's DeathCraft... I'd give it another 20-30 mins before the HD kicks in though. I'd wait to post it until then, but I'm going to lunch.



Staff member
Here's Part 1 of Night Terror. The calm before the shitstorm, you might say.

"I am starting to think the author of this mod might be a sadist."

Oh Gas Bandit, if you only knew what was coming.
I am sick as hell, so I might be in bed early tonight anyways. Though since I know my sleep habits, I might be playing a fluff game at my computer instead.

OOH OOH, we should also have a Terrik killed us all counter. :p And probably a 'Look I died to the tank again" counter with how I've been playing lately. :p
For Friday's video we should have a "I hate you" counter for each round you're Terrik-sitting. As well as a "fuck" counter for me.

Maybe too many counters. Though perhaps between each round display a tally?


Staff member
Or one of my faithful viewers could go through and do a supercut compilation of all the "fuck!" and "shit!" and "TERRIK!" etc moments across the various videos.
It's almost sad that we didn't make a series out of our endless game in DST, because I make very amusing sounds when I panic apparently. :p


Staff member
It's almost sad that we didn't make a series out of our endless game in DST, because I make very amusing sounds when I panic apparently. :p
You don't always remember to push the talk button, but the few times you have, yes, you did.
Really, the statement should be "You don't always remember to NOT push the talk button." Because I guarantee I did not intend to panic into the mic.


Staff member
That would be really funny.
It would have been epic if it included the Day Break playthrough. I can almost see it in my head.

"Shit! Fuck! Dammit! Dammit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Dammit! Terrik! Shit! TERRIK! Fuck! Shit! Terrik! TERRIK! GODDAMN IT TERRIK YOU (Gas Bandit blowing his stack)! Shit! Dammit! Terrik! Dammit! Shit! Shit! (Terrik) Oooh! Grenade launcher! (GasBandit) Terrik. Terrik... NO. Noooo. (Ellis-Terrik) Grabbin' a gurnayd launcher! DAMMIT TERRIK!"
If I am sitting at my computer talking, pushing the vent/voice chat button is reflex after 10 years of MMOs.


Staff member
Here's DeathCraft... I'd give it another 20-30 mins before the HD kicks in though. I'd wait to post it until then, but I'm going to lunch.
I was looking through the changelog for Deathcraft, because I was curious if Defib paddles are in the mod, and I came across this:

"Ender Dragon boss fight. Custom boss fight with custom animation and custom sounds. The End was boring in the first version, people asked for a fight, and here's what I made. By no means is it an easy task getting there, it requires you to follow the right steps through the first 3 levels, once you're in there, theres only one way out. The fight itself is split into 2 parts, the first part is completely custom and something I thought up, the second half is more like the original battle, yet with some different touches."

Seems like that End portal we came across can be accessed. Damn, I want to fight the Ender Dragon.


Staff member
I'm betting it had to do with that Pumpkin head you guys found.
Perhaps, but it seems to me all the other "minecraft" puzzles, like building a wall charge or closing off lava with pistons all used the superimposed "8 slot" inventory at the bottom of the screen, as opposed to things we used as weapons/items normally.