[TV] The What Animation Are You Watching Thread 2!: The Sequel!

You guys should be watching Steven Universe.
I haven't watched it, yet I'm burned out on it. My tumblr dash is full of walls of text calling it the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAH!!!!!!!111!ELEVEN!!! (and it's not just from your reblogs).

I get it, tumblrinas. It's a good show, and adults seem to like it as well. But it's not going to save the world, or even your own little corner of it.
I haven't watched it, yet I'm burned out on it. My tumblr dash is full of walls of text calling it the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAH!!!!!!!111!ELEVEN!!! (and it's not just from your reblogs).

I get it, tumblrinas. It's a good show, and adults seem to like it as well. But it's not going to save the world, or even your own little corner of it.
Of course not. People should watch it because it's a great show. But since you brought it up, I'll rant this here:

I hate when the Tumblr-tots say something is good, then when they go to list why, it's entirely representation related. That's a good attribute to have because we should have more diversity in our stories, but that alone does not make those stories good. A shitty story with lame characters is a shitty story with lame characters, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Same goes for a good story; it is what it is. Certainly those attributes can make it better, but it's not a make-or-break.

I feel like the closing speech at the end of A Time to Kill needs to be applied to Tumblr's view of shows and movies. I hate the bullet point list of the movie Home that says why the movie is great, then just lists irrelevant throwaway lines and interchangeable attributes with no mention of personality or story.

Steven Universe is a great story (so far) with great characters, and that Tumblr-tots sometimes ignore this when recommending the show to people is fucking ridiculous. Garnet was fantastic in the first 40+ episodes. She didn't suddenly go from shit to goddess the moment you learn what she is. That scene is fantastic, but if it hadn't happened, Garnet would still be a wonderful character.

EDIT: Oh, and the songs. Steven Universe is great also for the songs :p. When my wife is in a shitty mood, this always lifts her spirit:



Staff member
I haven't watched it, yet I'm burned out on it. My tumblr dash is full of walls of text calling it the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAH!!!!!!!111!ELEVEN!!! (and it's not just from your reblogs).

I get it, tumblrinas. It's a good show, and adults seem to like it as well. But it's not going to save the world, or even your own little corner of it.
Now I know how all my normie friends and coworkers felt when myself and one other guy in the office got into Everquest.
This thread really does only talk about a few shows...

- Steven Universe
- Adventure Time
- Rick and Morty
- Bob's Burgers

This isn't all I watch... I also dig Regular Show and TMNT, but there really isn't as much to say about them right now. However, I fully expect this to change come February when The Venture Brothers returns, where we all start discussing one of the best shows, period.
Oh yeah, Regular Show used to be half the thread, too :p

(I don't mind it, by the way - I very rarely have anything to contribute here because I barely watch any US animation.)
Nope... it takes about a year and half to get new seasons of Adult Swim stuff, unless it's in 15 minute doses... in which case it's a few months. To use the Venture brothers as an example...

Season 1 -> Season 2: 2 years
Season 2 -> Season 3: 2 years
Season 3 -> Season 4: 1 year
Season 4 -> Season 5: 3 years
Season 5 -> Season 6: 2.5 years

We get specials in between, but that's about average for Adult Swim.
Nope... it takes about a year and half to get new seasons of Adult Swim stuff, unless it's in 15 minute doses... in which case it's a few months. To use the Venture brothers as an example...

Season 1 -> Season 2: 2 years
Season 2 -> Season 3: 2 years
Season 3 -> Season 4: 1 year
Season 4 -> Season 5: 3 years
Season 5 -> Season 6: 2.5 years

We get specials in between, but that's about average for Adult Swim.
Yes, but last season was 11 episodes and this season has only been 10, so is this really the end of the season?

Also, I don't think that it will be as long for Rick and Morty. Venture Brothers is in a completely different boat than any other Adult Swim animation in that the show is solely produced by two guys who are perfectionists.
Watched Stay Cool, Scooby Doo.

I was completely prepared to hate this series (considering they cancelled Mystery Inc. for this) but this is actually pretty damn funny in it's own right. The character art looks like shit but I love pretty much everything else about this show. I'll probably stick around for a few more episodes at least.
Watched Stay Cool, Scooby Doo.

I was completely prepared to hate this series (considering they cancelled Mystery Inc. for this) but this is actually pretty damn funny in it's own right. The character art looks like shit but I love pretty much everything else about this show. I'll probably stick around for a few more episodes at least.
I KNOW right? I was expecting the fact that they looked like a Rick and Morty parody to bug me but holy shit did this feel right as a Scooby Doo show. Also that bit about how Shaggy/Scooby calling bull-shit on Fred for having the two most cowardly team-members do the scary stuff was gold.
Yes, but last season was 11 episodes and this season has only been 10, so is this really the end of the season?

Also, I don't think that it will be as long for Rick and Morty. Venture Brothers is in a completely different boat than any other Adult Swim animation in that the show is solely produced by two guys who are perfectionists.
In that case, it's just Dan Harmon poking the network ... the kind of thing that got him in trouble with Community. Hopefully Cartoon Network has a better sense of humor.
I think they were just making fun of Venture Brothers honestly.

The parents of the bride being played by Tricia Helfer and James Callis looking exactly like Six and Baltar killed me, this fuckin' show does the best random celebrity voices.
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I think they were just making fun of Venture Brothers honestly.

The parents of the bride being played by Tricia Helfer and James Callis looking exactly like Six and Baltar killed me, this fuckin' show does the best random celebrity voices.
I wish the venture bros was only one and a half years between seasons.
Steven Universe

Well... that went in an unexpected (but appreciated) direction.

So Pearl's insecurity issues are literally because Pearls are mass produced humanoid ACCESSORIES on Homeworld that are designed to look pretty and basically hold bags. In that view... yeah, Peridot had every right to be upset when Pearl took charge: Peridot was designed to be an engineer and Pearl wanted her to take a backseat. I get that the message here is supposed to be "don't let your preconceptions cloud your eyes" but this entire thing really makes both Pearl and Peridot seem petty. Also, Steven really should have brought up the time that Pearl built a functioning rocket ship out of junk from that barn. It probably would have shut Peridot up, coming from him.

At the same time, this basically explains everything about Pearl, from her insecurities to why she fell so hard for Rose (Rose was probably the only one who didn't treat her like an object her entire existence before she got to Earth). I'm actually a bit disappointed... this feels like it cheapens her a bit.
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Today's episode: confirming fan theories on homeworld society!

I think Pearl's insecure for a lot of reasons, this just being one.

I don't really see how both were being petty for that matter. Peridot had already seen Pearl fight, so she knew Pearl did more than that. Even if she thought it was under Steven's direction, that's not what Pearls are made for. Pearl had no reason to feel she had to put up with this 5500 years after Rose led against this kind of crap. They both had their viewpoints and both felt they were the right one for the job.

I really want to know what Rubies and Sapphires are for.

According to the recent SU book that came out, typical fusion was between same-type gems, so Garnet's fusion is an oddball for that reason. Typically you'd have, for example, Jasper + Japser.
This episode of Steven had me laughing pretty hard. The visual gags they had tonight were non-stop. "Catch and Release" was pretty great, but this was nice break and a chance to just giggle (though the homeworld information they threw in was pretty important). They've been pretty rough on Pearl for a while, so I thought this was a great episode for her.
This episode of Steven had me laughing pretty hard. The visual gags they had tonight were non-stop. "Catch and Release" was pretty great, but this was nice break and a chance to just giggle (though the homeworld information they threw in was pretty important). They've been pretty rough on Pearl for a while, so I thought this was a great episode for her.
When the episode ended, my wife said, "oh good, that one didn't hurt." I think we needed a breather, because next week's episode is called "Too Far" and that doesn't sound like a happy title. Then two more episodes, then another hiatus.
PARAPHRASING: "A Peridot with a Pearl? What would they say on Homeworld?"

Anyone catch that? I think Peridot was subtley admitting her not-all-that-itude.

Fun episode, crazy robots, and someone's fan-art predicted that "Your just a Pearl" line one hundred percent. I would check but if I wanted
PARAPHRASING: "A Peridot with a Pearl? What would they say on Homeworld?"

Anyone catch that? I think Peridot was subtley admitting her not-all-that-itude.

Fun episode, crazy robots, and someone's fan-art predicted that "Your just a Pearl" line one hundred percent. I would check but if I wanted
That was basically a given, considering how low of a regard Jasper had for her. Jasper had the authority to not only disregard her mission but force her to abandon it. She's a glorified technician.
That was basically a given, considering how low of a regard Jasper had for her. Jasper had the authority to not only disregard her mission but force her to abandon it. She's a glorified technician.
I'll say, all we need is the ep confirming her not being able to summon her weapon and the Tenkaichi budokai shall be complete.
That was basically a given, considering how low of a regard Jasper had for her. Jasper had the authority to not only disregard her mission but force her to abandon it. She's a glorified technician.
Didn't think about that. So if the theory that Amethyst is "overcooked" because she would've been a Jasper had she come out at the right time, Peridot would've acceded authority to her. With everyone on Earth being a bit of a misfit, she's kind of lost.

It's no wonder Rose rebelled. Though we were nowhere near as advanced 5500 years ago as we are now, she saw that each person was an individual. Fan theory suggested this desire for individuality extended to gems, but that hasn't really been shown as necessary until now. I wonder if we'll get flashback episodes about any of the friends they lost who fought on Rose's side during the war. I feel like we're not going to see Steven heal any of those monsters back to healthy gems, at least not for a long while.
It's no wonder Rose rebelled. Though we were nowhere near as advanced 5500 years ago as we are now, she saw that each person was an individual. Fan theory suggested this desire for individuality extended to gems, but that hasn't really been shown as necessary until now. I wonder if we'll get flashback episodes about any of the friends they lost who fought on Rose's side during the war. I feel like we're not going to see Steven heal any of those monsters back to healthy gems, at least not for a long while.
If it happens (and it probably will), it's likely that it'll happen sometime after Yellow Diamond makes her move or right before she can launch a proper invasion. Fixing the monster gems is basically the "we have an army now" moment and you really can't do anything past that EXCEPT have a big ol' fight, unless all those Gems leave afterwards. That's final season stuff.
When the episode ended, my wife said, "oh good, that one didn't hurt." I think we needed a breather, because next week's episode is called "Too Far" and that doesn't sound like a happy title. Then two more episodes, then another hiatus.
I was actually told that Too Far was the last episode before the hiatus. Can you confirm? At any rate, we've had something like 27 episodes over 33 weeks. It's certainly break time.

Once the hiatus starts, Adventure Time takes the spot for awhile. Starting in November, we're getting an 8-part Marceline story dealing her life up to this point. Then I'm thinking ether Steven Universe is back or something else is taking a hiatus.
I was actually told that Too Far was the last episode before the hiatus. Can you confirm? At any rate, we've had something like 27 episodes over 33 weeks. It's certainly break time.

Once the hiatus starts, Adventure Time takes the spot for awhile. Starting in November, we're getting an 8-part Marceline story dealing her life up to this point. Then I'm thinking ether Steven Universe is back or something else is taking a hiatus.
You're correct; Too Far is the last episode of Steven Universe this year. I saw an image showing empty spots for the following two weeks of October and thought those were still episodes.

I'm still back in season 5 of Adventure Time.