
Staff member
I looked at one of George Takei's amazon links, and now all my recommended items are gay. Literally.


Staff member
Jun said she's never seen Star Wars.


Are there 3 movies? or 6?
I say do them in "flashback" order while skipping Phantom Menace. Watch 4-5-2-3-6. That way, the revelation of Luke's parentage segues into the backstory of how Anakin came to be Vader and his fall from the force, then rejoins Return of the Jedi, which happens after a short timeskip anyway.

Some say you can even skip 2, in that order. But I didn't think 2 was THAT bad. Maybe it is just because it wasn't as bad as 1.
I say do them in "flashback" order while skipping Phantom Menace. Watch 4-5-2-3-6. That way, the revelation of Luke's parentage segues into the backstory of how Anakin came to be Vader and his fall from the force, then rejoins Return of the Jedi, which happens after a short timeskip anyway.

Some say you can even skip 2, in that order. But I didn't think 2 was THAT bad. Maybe it is just because it wasn't as bad as 1.
That's a neat idea. I'd like to watch them all again before next week. Also, id like to find some with Chinese subtitles if I can. That'll be a fun hunt.
Actually, I know where I went wrong, and it was because Empire Strikes Back scared the shit out of her when she was little. But that sounds less dramatic. ;)
For a boost of flavour in your life try pronouncing all two syllable words to the Jaws theme.
Cooffee cooffee cooffee cooffee
Coffee creamer coffee creamer teaspoon sugar teaspoon sugar chocolate frappe carmel topping EXTRA GRANDE MOCHA LATTE

This sounds not wholly unlike most mornings with Cranky.

I (inadvertently) taught Li'l Z the Jaws theme, which he likes to sing at random times. Someday I'll explain what it means.
On the other hand, there's nothing like lying on the couch and hearing "da-dun, da-dun" in a 3-year-old's squeak coming up behind you.
There are no Gund Snuffles tattoos!!! Anytime I think of something cool and google it with tattoo added there are always tons. Milky Way tattoos for example...super cool. But there are no snuffles ones there....I could be a trail blazer if I could convince my tattoo artist without her dying of laughter on me.
There are no Gund Snuffles tattoos!!! Anytime I think of something cool and google it with tattoo added there are always tons. Milky Way tattoos for example...super cool. But there are no snuffles ones there....I could be a trail blazer if I could convince my tattoo artist without her dying of laughter on me.
When I search for Gund Snuffles tattoos, on the very first line of search results I find this one. I think you should get that, it's close enough :whistling::D

There are no Gund Snuffles tattoos!!! Anytime I think of something cool and google it with tattoo added there are always tons. Milky Way tattoos for example...super cool. But there are no snuffles ones there....I could be a trail blazer if I could convince my tattoo artist without her dying of laughter on me.
I am legitimately surprised by this. How has no one done this before?
So a search for Gund Tattoos got me a "Did you mean Gun Tattoos?"

I'm still going through the Teddy Bear Tattoo search but this one is pretty awesome:
