I agree with what you're saying, but I can't help but point out that's not what a slippery slope is

it's more of a "no-win situation" I think might be more descriptive.
As for me, I think the answer lies in better whistleblower protection laws, and harsher criminal penalties for managers that goes up the chain. I've advocated this before for employing illegal aliens - any manager found to be practicing in violation of the law (be it employing illegals OR violating work safety regulations) gets jail time and a fine locked to a percentage of age and net worth - and so does his boss, and his boss's boss, all the way to the top.
So say (just to pick numbers out of the air), 20% of age and 20% of net worth, so, for example, if a 30 year old manager with a net worth of 30k gets busted for violating work safety regulations, he gets 6 years in prison and a $6,000 fine, but the 60 year old CEO worth $10 million gets 12 years and a 2 million dollar fine. Each "boss" between them scales accordingly.
It'll make the execs much greater sticklers about making sure they're in compliance with safety (and immigration) laws, and come down that much harder on the middle managers to make sure everything is in order.