[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Dear translator,


Honestly, what do you think you're doing, translating for us? You don't even know how to capitalize right. Camel case does not belong in a formal report. You don't get to use capital letters just because you feel like it. And using lower-case letters for the names of people you apparently don't like? Yeah, no.

I want to sit this guy down and go through his translation word by word. "Why did you capitalize this word? Uh huh. And this one? What about this one?"
But It works that Way in German! :p
Their rules are fare more consistent than the English version, though :p
Capitalize all nouns, never capitalize adjectives (even nationalities), capitalize for politeness (You vs you). The end.
I wish more languages had easy-to-understand rules.
Spanish pronounciation: "If the word ends in N or S or a vowel, stress is on the second-to-last syllable. Otherwise it is on the last syllable. Accent marks trump both of these rules."

So, I'm off on medical leave for the rest of the month. One of my team will act for me but he refused to do the performance reviews. Good for him! She will be forced to do them which is great because she made the ratings.

I let him know what had happened with the reviews so he knew that what she gives him isn't what I gave him. If she decides to reprimand me for it, I will grieve it.
Dear translator,


Honestly, what do you think you're doing, translating for us? You don't even know how to capitalize right. Camel case does not belong in a formal report. You don't get to use capital letters just because you feel like it. And using lower-case letters for the names of people you apparently don't like? Yeah, no.

I want to sit this guy down and go through his translation word by word. "Why did you capitalize this word? Uh huh. And this one? What about this one?"
I hate this translator so much right now.

The first parts of his translation were bad enough already, with the random uppercase letters. I've already ranted about those parts. But a quarter into the document, he apparently decided he's just going to give up. His English output, rather incomprehensible already, goes completely into had-a-stroke territory. He starts making up names for people, places, and organizations, and what's worse he doesn't even keep them consistent, so I can't just find-and-replace the stuff he gets wrong. No, he makes up a new fucking English name every time he encounters a Chinese name in the text, regardless of whether the name's appeared before. He leaves out entire chunks of translation if he feels it's too hard, or it's too wordy, or, I dunno, his porridge is too hot.

And what's worse, this translation is due Monday. There's no time to find a new translator. So guess who's coming in on both Saturday and Sunday to basically retranslate this entire fucking document? Oh, and have I mentioned this document is 100+ motherfucking pages long?

I'm going to personally make sure this sonovabitch is paid a grand total of zero for this pile of crap.
Friend matches with guy on dating app who turns her down because she's Mormon, so according to her, he's a bigot.

Friend never dates non-Mormons seriously because she refuses to consider long-term relationships with people if they're not Mormon.

People make my head hurt.
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Could be that's he's actually doing her a favor. I have friends who don't invite me to certain events because they know I'd be uncomfortable due to my religious beliefs. He may be turning her down because he doesn't want to put her in a position where she'd be uncomfortable.

The victim complex is unfortunate though. That just makes life harder.
Could be that's he's actually doing her a favor. I have friends who don't invite me to certain events because they know I'd be uncomfortable due to my religious beliefs. He may be turning her down because he doesn't want to put her in a position where she'd be uncomfortable.

The victim complex is unfortunate though. That just makes life harder.
It really does. I've known her since high school, and she's never allowed a non-Mormon relationship to become serious because she doesn't want to marry anyone who can't do so in a Mormon ceremony or something like that. It's hard to watch, for me, because she and I had a kind-of-thing that was great until the "Not A Mormon" wall and ended things. She still uses that reasoning to blame the rest of the world for her still being single, though, not that she just refuses to ever settle for someone outside the church.
It really does. I've known her since high school, and she's never allowed a non-Mormon relationship to become serious because she doesn't want to marry anyone who can't do so in a Mormon ceremony or something like that. It's hard to watch, for me, because she and I had a kind-of-thing that was great until the "Not A Mormon" wall and ended things. She still uses that reasoning to blame the rest of the world for her still being single, though, not that she just refuses to ever settle for someone outside the church.
To be fair, a lot of young Mormons face INCREDIBLE pressure to ether marry into the church or to get their future spouse to convert. It's not as bad as some religions about it (i.e. Jewish, Jehovah's Witness) but it really is a big deal in a way it isn't with more mainstream christian sects.
That's so you'll have room for your yoga boots.
View attachment 20853

Hah, I have a pair of renaissance festival boots made in a similar style. All black, of course, without the flamey trim. But same basic type of moccasin.


Hand made from buffalo leather. They cost me almost $800. I bought them back when I was making "internet bubble" money in 2000. Pricey, but I haven't had any other pair of shoes last me 16 years :)


Staff member
Those are something else! I'm not sure I could do them justice.[DOUBLEPOST=1460305388,1460305357][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are those real or photoshop?
Not only are they real, they're not even the most ridiculous thing Tony Lama has come up with. They don't make that particular type any more though, so your only hope is to find them used.


For when the Quinceañera is right after your Track Meet and there's no time to change, I guess.
So... uh... this is going to sound rather juvenile after a cancer rant, but here goes.

I mentioned in another thread that a female friend of mine started working here, then left after one week. During this week I mentally noted (but did not say out loud) that she apparently has lost some weight, and is looking very trim and fit these days. Probably has something to do with her impending wedding next year. Anyway, she left the company.

Also last week, I happened to run into another female colleague from my company, someone from our sales department. We were in a train station, I was visiting a nearby shop with my wife, while my colleague was there to pick up her boyfriend. I noted that she was quite dolled up for the occasion. My guess was that they're in a long-distance relationship, and that she wanted to look her best when he arrived. So we exchanged brief pleasantries, and then went our separate ways, and then a couple of days later it's announced that she, too, has left the company.

Last Friday, I noticed that a third female colleague, a resource manager, was dressed in a rather flattering skirt, one that showed off her legs very nicely. Today, Monday, the company announced that she's left.

Finally, last month, a relative newcomer at our company came to me to ask a question about the translation software. I helped her out, she thanked me with a smile, and I noticed (but did not say out loud) that she has a really cute smile. A couple of days later, she left the company.

Maybe this is cognitive bias, maybe not. But right now it looks like "bhamv finds you attractive" is a death-knell for any female who wants to work here.
Based on the phenomenon mentioned in the quoted post, I think I just cost my company our head of project management. I didn't say anything to her. I certainly didn't do anything to her. She's a woman in her 30s, with 3 kids, and she either takes really good care of herself or sold her soul to some dark deity, because she looks like she's still in college. Dressed in a really nice t-shirt and jeans combo today. Had her hair up in a cheerleader-style ponytail. Very cute. Looking forward to hearing about her quitting in the next few days.
I hate this translator so much right now.

The first parts of his translation were bad enough already, with the random uppercase letters. I've already ranted about those parts. But a quarter into the document, he apparently decided he's just going to give up. His English output, rather incomprehensible already, goes completely into had-a-stroke territory. He starts making up names for people, places, and organizations, and what's worse he doesn't even keep them consistent, so I can't just find-and-replace the stuff he gets wrong. No, he makes up a new fucking English name every time he encounters a Chinese name in the text, regardless of whether the name's appeared before. He leaves out entire chunks of translation if he feels it's too hard, or it's too wordy, or, I dunno, his porridge is too hot.

And what's worse, this translation is due Monday. There's no time to find a new translator. So guess who's coming in on both Saturday and Sunday to basically retranslate this entire fucking document? Oh, and have I mentioned this document is 100+ motherfucking pages long?

I'm going to personally make sure this sonovabitch is paid a grand total of zero for this pile of crap.
As a final part to the saga of the random capitalizer, I wrote a scathing review of his work. We also only docked him half pay, instead of all of it. He wrote back to us, a very contrite email, saying he's sorry for the trouble, and it was caused by him overestimating his abilities, but he really did try his best!

I want to reply with nothing but an animated gif.



Staff member
Tomorrow I'm going to have to waste time doing a security audit/virus sweep of the whole building because today our owner had $30,000 stolen from him via a fraudulent wire transfer. Apparently he's in the habit of doing wire transfers via e-mail, and his bank suggested maybe his macbook was infected with a keylogger. Apparently the criminal watched/read his e-mail activity long enough to be able to forge a fake that looked convincing enough for the bank not to question it.

BS. I can tell you what happened. Uncle Pennybags had to be a fuckin Hillary all these years because he wanted his e-mail to be Firstname@Lastname.com, so he bought hosting/domain registration for his lastname.com over a decade ago (before he bought us) and then apparently forgot his admin login credentials to his cpanel years and years ago. I know that much because he tried to get my help when his e-mail wasn't working a few years back. So my guess is his little fly-by-night hosting admin password was probably a real word with the number 1 after it or something (perhaps even the word "password"), and it just got dictionary-bombed and the rest was history.

So now my general manager is freaking out that maybe this alleged virus is in OUR network too (even though the owner doesn't maintain a presence here, he just comes by to make life difficult every couple months).

Hrm, well, come to think of it, I probably should change the password on our godaddy account (because he had me e-mail him the password sometime last year), but aside from that, I'm pretty sure our exposure is nil.
On the other hand, the occasional security audit of your network is probably not a bad thing and may uncover other ID-10-T-errors and people installing or opening stuff they probably shouldn't.


Staff member
Turns out the origin of the theft was...

...wait for it...


Guess that's $30k he'll never see again.

In other news, he's now on google apps and I walked him through setting up 2-step verification.
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Turns out the origin of the theft was...

...wait for it...


Guess that's $30k he'll never see again.

In other news, he's now on google apps and I walked him through setting up 2-step verification.
I mean, Nigeria can only have so many princes, it's sure to be there somewhere.
Turns out the origin of the theft was...

...wait for it...


Guess that's $30k he'll never see again.

In other news, he's now on google apps and I walked him through setting up 2-step verification.
Well, if he didn't initiate the xfer (and he didn't, right? Please tell me he didn't.) there should be something the bank (his bank) can do.
