[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

That's one way to "invert" Deathwing's usual effect.
Also it's important to realize that the "ordinary" Deathwing counts as a different card, so Deathwing, Dragonlords's deathrattle could essentially be ... summon Deathwing, but without having to discard the rest of your hand.

I know I've said it before, but it's the Shadowcaster that interests me.
Casting a second to copy the first would result in an endless zoo of 1/1 critters.
How convenient that it's only 5 mana, too.

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Kripp is good for arena advice. And he's not a bad caster at tournaments. But he's also kind of a shitty person on his own on stream. I've heard he's been trying to turn that around, so maybe he's better now.
You know, I wanted to revisit this a bit.
I normally don't have a lot of time when I'm watching one of his videos, and they're usually 20-30m long, so I watch them at 1.5x or 2x speed, because I can keep up and still get all the info. Recently I watched about 5 minutes of the beginning of one of his videos (this one, if you're curious) before realizing I didn't have him sped up, and I have to agree...at "normal" speed, he looks and sounds really slurry and his cadence comes across as rather arrogant and condescending. But when viewed at hyper speed, those characteristics are muted and he just seems excited.

I'm sure there's some kind of perceptual social interaction study-worthy thing going on here that isn't really Hearthstone-related, I just thought I'd bring it up.

You know, I wanted to revisit this a bit.
I normally don't have a lot of time when I'm watching one of his videos, and they're usually 20-30m long, so I watch them at 1.5x or 2x speed, because I can keep up and still get all the info. Recently I watched about 5 minutes of the beginning of one of his videos (this one, if you're curious) before realizing I didn't have him sped up, and I have to agree...at "normal" speed, he looks and sounds really slurry and his cadence comes across as rather arrogant and condescending. But when viewed at hyper speed, those characteristics are muted and he just seems excited.

I'm sure there's some kind of perceptual social interaction study-worthy thing going on here that isn't really Hearthstone-related, I just thought I'd bring it up.

He also started the "tuckfrump" thing and encouraged his chat to antagonize Trump.
Never heard of it.
Sure sounds like a dickish thing to do, though.

It was basically his chat going into other streamers chats (and Trumps) and spamming "tuckfrump" over and over again, as a way of bypassing profanity filters, all because Kripp thought Trump was a sellout for doing gimmicks like eating a cookie every time someone donated.


Staff member
The nerfs are in! A dozen cards have been changed.

Holy shit, I knew that they were making changes, but daaaaamn. BGH going from 3 -> 5 mana. Blade Flurry going up to 4 and not dealing damage to face? Arcane Golem losing charge.
RIP Druid.
Also RIP any chance of Poisoned Blade ever being useful.

I think I'm most upset about owl going +1, actually.

I know I've said it before, but it's the Shadowcaster that interests me.
Casting a second to copy the first would result in an endless zoo of 1/1 critters.
How convenient that it's only 5 mana, too.

This wouldn't be endless if they cleared your board, which is likely to happen at turn 10. You have two shadowcasters in your hand. You play one, now you have one shadowcaster in your hand. You play the second to copy the first, now you have a 1 mana 1/1 shadowcaster in your hand. If they clear your board, you don't have a remaining shadowcaster on board for your 1 mana one to copy.

Even if you gangup or shadowstep or whatever shenanigans to get more, because it can't copy itself, you'll always run out
I think Noxious had a better suggestion of making Savage Roar only work on beasts.
Savage roar is fine. No one has ever said Bloodlust was op. It was being able to apply it to a bunch of instantly appearing charging minions that made it broken.

I was expecting to see force of nature change so that the summoned treants could only attack minions, as the card was originally printed as a method of removal.
Even if you gangup or shadowstep or whatever shenanigans to get more, because it can't copy itself, you'll always run out
I know, you'd have to have two of the 1/1 copies in your hand, which would require Gang Up, Brewmaster, or something like that.
But so long as you have two 1/1 copies in hand, you can fill your board (barring things like Snipe), with three you could do it every turn. It'd be like the Rogue Dreadsteed.

I know, you'd have to have two of the 1/1 copies in your hand, which would require Gang Up, Brewmaster, or something like that.
But so long as you have two 1/1 copies in hand, you can fill your board (barring things like Snipe), with three you could do it every turn. It'd be like the Rogue Dreadsteed.

If you had two 1/1 shadowcasters in your hand, you could fill your board with 1/1's exactly once. You play the first one, it has nothing to copy, so its battlecry does nothing. You play the second, copy the first, play it again, copy, and so on, and when you finish you are left with one 1/1 shadowcaster in your hand. If they clear your board again, it once again has nothing to copy.

With three 1/1's in your hand, you could fill your board twice. But you'll always need an existing shadowcaster already on the board to be able to keep doing the combo, otherwise you will always run out. So it's not infinite.
With three 1/1's in your hand, you could fill your board twice. But you'll always need an existing shadowcaster already on the board to be able to keep doing the combo, otherwise you will always run out. So it's not infinite.
Right, the assumption was that the cycle would not start until after the opponent had used up all the hard removal.
I've been trying to think of other cards that this would be great with. Mistcaller, Malygos, Dreadsteed, so many things to copy.



Staff member
If you had two 1/1 shadowcasters in your hand, you could fill your board with 1/1's exactly once. You play the first one, it has nothing to copy, so its battlecry does nothing. You play the second, copy the first, play it again, copy, and so on, and when you finish you are left with one 1/1 shadowcaster in your hand. If they clear your board again, it once again has nothing to copy.

With three 1/1's in your hand, you could fill your board twice. But you'll always need an existing shadowcaster already on the board to be able to keep doing the combo, otherwise you will always run out. So it's not infinite.
There are some Brann shennanigans that could help out with that, but that just makes the combo even harder to pull off. I've no doubt that some hilarious videos will result, but I'm not sure it's a competitive strategy.
Well dangit. I don't know if I have enough of the nerfed cards to even dust.

You can dust any number of cards, they don't need to be in excess! I just dusted my two leper gnomes, and now I have zero. When in doubt, disenchant, right? Because you can still craft it again later and go back to where you were, for no cost (Although I haven't disenchanted the knife jugglers and Arcane Golem, 'cause I'm using them. But the AG is going to the trash for sure).
You can dust any number of cards, they don't need to be in excess! I just dusted my two leper gnomes, and now I have zero. When in doubt, disenchant, right? Because you can still craft it again later and go back to where you were, for no cost (Although I haven't disenchanted the knife jugglers and Arcane Golem, 'cause I'm using them. But the AG is going to the trash for sure).
No, I just meant that I've been disenchanting everything down to x2 max all along, rather than hoarding my cards to have extra ones to disenchant like some people around here do.



Staff member
It felt really good to DE my golden Molten Giant. Even though I know they'll probably still be playable in some circumstances, I can always craft a normal version to replace it, and still come out ahead dust wise.
It's April 26th, release the Krak...err.cards already!! I don't wanna wait until 11:30am....mrrrrgrrrgurglegrowlll

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