Minor victory thread

The CEO of our company just asked me if I want to transfer away from my editing job, and become a technical writer permanently. I helped out the technical writing department for a few months last year, and apparently I didn't screw up as much as I thought I did, because they're suffering a manpower shortage again and now want me there on a permanent basis.

The pros are:
1. Slightly higher pay. The number tabled by the CEO was a 5% raise.
2. Slightly lower stress. I would no longer have to deal with google translated documents, and I'd be able to go home at reasonable hours. Deadlines would be measured in days and weeks, instead of the minutes and hours I deal with as an editor.
3. Slightly better for my career. Having a few years of technical writing on my resume would go well with the years of translation and editing experience I have now. I'd be able to apply for jobs in a wider variety of fields if I ever decide to leave this company.

The cons are:
1. If I'm honest, I'd say my personality and skillset are more suited to being a translator and editor. I'm not a very tech-savvy person in the first place, and I'm quite good at sitting down with a document and flagellating it until it's a good translation.
2. I would no longer be directly working with some of the cutest girls in our company. The tech writing department is full of geeky guys.

On the whole, I think I'm going to accept the transfer, which is why this counts as a minor victory. I'll end up out of my comfort zone for a while, which sucks, and I'll have to figure out some other way to have plausible excuses to talk to the attractive females. But still, it's an opportunity I'm probably going to take.
Update to this. The head of our editing department really wants to keep me here. He's still hashing out the details, but apparently he's going to offer a pretty decent raise for me to stay where I am right now.

It didn't even occur to me that I'd unintentionally spark an internal bidding war for my services at my company. I find it hilarious.


Staff member
Yeah, usually my "with flash" photos are fucking blurry as fuck though, because the autofocus never works right. I mean, even there, it's not great, but often it comes out looking like somebody used the photoshop mosaic filter on it.
Was this an intentional attempt to do his thing to him?
Minor Victory: I didn't burn up my PC! so my daughers PC hit the dust, I don't know what the problem is and I don't have the give a shit to try anything else. I think it might be the PSU but at this point I'm done with it. so I say hmm.. she has some RAM I'm going to plug it into my PC. It looks like it fits, I plug it in and the things that keep the RAM in go down to signify that they are held in place. Sweet I just got an extra 8gb of ram, turn on the PC and OH SHIT ELECTRICAL BURNING SMELL ABORT ABORT ABORT! I'm holding down the power button but it isn't turning off and I frantically start pulling on the power cord but it's like stuck in there so after an eternity (probably like 3 or 5 seconds) I get it unplugged and think to myself "Well shit this probably fucked up my computer, at least it's under warranty I'll just say I dunno what happened" unplugged the ram that I put in and threw it in the trash because fuck it it made me mad and turned it back on, thankfully no permanent damage and everything is going smooth.
Minor Victory: I didn't burn up my PC! so my daughers PC hit the dust, I don't know what the problem is and I don't have the give a shit to try anything else. I think it might be the PSU but at this point I'm done with it. so I say hmm.. she has some RAM I'm going to plug it into my PC. It looks like it fits, I plug it in and the things that keep the RAM in go down to signify that they are held in place. Sweet I just got an extra 8gb of ram, turn on the PC and OH SHIT ELECTRICAL BURNING SMELL ABORT ABORT ABORT! I'm holding down the power button but it isn't turning off and I frantically start pulling on the power cord but it's like stuck in there so after an eternity (probably like 3 or 5 seconds) I get it unplugged and think to myself "Well shit this probably fucked up my computer, at least it's under warranty I'll just say I dunno what happened" unplugged the ram that I put in and threw it in the trash because fuck it it made me mad and turned it back on, thankfully no permanent damage and everything is going smooth.
That's quite a panic story.
Memory that fits just means it is the right type of memory (DDR/DDR2/DDR3/DDR4/etc), but it doesn't guarantee that it is the same speed, voltage, etc.

Just replaced our sink sprayer with parts that weren't meant to go together but made it work without buying any additional stuff and it doesn't leak.
Don't try to tell ME I'm not an engineer!

Minor victory: in the midst of all the constant ordering (forced OT due to lack of staff), I have had my 8-hour restriction extended until at least after my SI injection next month.

This is only a minor victory because it means no OT of any kind. That is likely going to be a hit on the pocket book (since I haven't seen a raise for years).
Update to this. The head of our editing department really wants to keep me here. He's still hashing out the details, but apparently he's going to offer a pretty decent raise for me to stay where I am right now.

It didn't even occur to me that I'd unintentionally spark an internal bidding war for my services at my company. I find it hilarious.
Final update to this. Editing department's bid won. I'm staying put. All in all, it wasn't an easy decision, there were pros and cons to both sides, but on the whole I've come out of this thing better off than I was before. Yay minor victory!
It was the women that swayed you, right?
Actually it was the money that was the final consideration, but it's funny you should mention that. When I had the meeting with the head of the editing department, who's a guy, to talk about my options, he made sure to invite his two female underlings to the meeting. I was all like, "Oh you evil evil man!"
In typical fashion, after having now informed the relevant supervisors of my decision, I am now filled with uncertainty towards my choice, and wondering what might have been if I picked the technical writing department instead.

I'm gonna go look at some porn to calm me down.
Old mouse has been giving me fits. Keeps double- and triple-clicking when I only want to single-click, sometimes won't click at all, other times will mouseup when I'm holding down even though I'm not done with whatever I'm doing yet. My gaming has suffered, I keep mis-selecting text, moving selected text blocks around, cursor placement is annoying.

Well, today my new mouse came in the mail. Found it on sale for half price (open box). Don't care, this one works MUCH better and has many useful features. It's such a little thing, but Diablo III new season starts in two days, and I will need a reliable mouse to enjoy it.

Old mouse has been giving me fits. Keeps double- and triple-clicking when I only want to single-click, sometimes won't click at all, other times will mouseup when I'm holding down even though I'm not done with whatever I'm doing yet. My gaming has suffered, I keep mis-selecting text, moving selected text blocks around, cursor placement is annoying.

Well, today my new mouse came in the mail. Found it on sale for half price (open box). Don't care, this one works MUCH better and has many useful features. It's such a little thing, but Diablo III new season starts in two days, and I will need a reliable mouse to enjoy it.

I use a Sensei RAW and it's fantastic.
Old mouse has been giving me fits. Keeps double- and triple-clicking when I only want to single-click, sometimes won't click at all, other times will mouseup when I'm holding down even though I'm not done with whatever I'm doing yet. My gaming has suffered, I keep mis-selecting text, moving selected text blocks around, cursor placement is annoying.

Well, today my new mouse came in the mail. Found it on sale for half price (open box). Don't care, this one works MUCH better and has many useful features. It's such a little thing, but Diablo III new season starts in two days, and I will need a reliable mouse to enjoy it.

From the website: "rated for 30 million clicks"

So...That's, what, two weeks of Diablo III? :p
Not even if he decides to farm the new wings :)[DOUBLEPOST=1461855474,1461855398][/DOUBLEPOST]That looks awesome by the way! I have a new mouse for the season as well. Nothing nearly so fancy but new and not yet destroyed by kids or cats.
I made a chalk drawing of the Mexican flag. It's not great, but it is better than most of my drawings have been.


(now with pictures in Technicolor!)
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Today's my three-year wedding anniversary. Yes, not only did I somehow convince my wife to marry me, but I didn't screw up too much in three whole years, and as a result we're still married! :D

To celebrate, last night I made avocado and chicken pasta.
And have you let her out of your basement since?
In a similar vein, today is our first wedding anniversary :D Glad I use a calendar, since we have 3 different dates to celebrate (relationship anniversary, small/legal wedding, actual-cannibal-shia-lebouf family/public wedding).
In a similar vein, today is our first wedding anniversary :D Glad I use a calendar, since we have 3 different dates to celebrate (relationship anniversary, small/legal wedding, actual-cannibal-shia-lebouf family/public wedding).
Thank God I don't give a fuck about things like relationship anniversary. Because that's a whole lot of dates to keep track of.