[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

I wonder if that's true of a silenced C'thun? My guess is that "still triggers > 10 after Peacekeeper" is actually a bug, and that it should not trigger.

There are two C'Thuns that the game keeps track of. There's the actual card in your deck, and then there's the persistent aura attached to your character, represented as the C'Thun that pops up every time you play a C'Thun buff. The aura is what adds attack to C'Thun, and is what triggers the if your C'Thun has x attack cards.
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Ah, but if what's going on is that your player character has an aura effect "Boost C'thun by x/x," then doing the Peacekeeper should only lower his attack by 5? Or is this one of those "in order of applied" things?
More experimentation is needed.

Ah, but if what's going on is that your player character has an aura effect "Boost C'thun by x/x," then doing the Peacekeeper should only lower his attack by 5? Or is this one of those "in order of applied" things?

Order of application. If you have a 1/10 C'Thun and play a beckoner of evil, your C'Thun aura will change to 12/12, and your on board C'Thun will become 3/12
We're saying that the C'thun "aura" is on the card used for counting. It can't be affected by outside sources.


Staff member
I'm wondering if I should make a horribly unreliable combo deck that relies on doubling battle cries, and call it Brann Flakes.


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I'm getting very close to having my first hero hit level 60.

Hearthstone Hero Levels 2016-05-04.jpg

Before I fell in love with my Mech Hunter deck, I never would have expected Hunter to be the first class I hit 60 with.
Ahahahahaha this tavern brawl.

Fandral/Raven Idol wasn't a bad plan, but my unstoppable lightwell army was cheaper!


Staff member
This Brawl can suck a dick.

If you didn't run into ridiculous aggro, count yourself lucky.

It took more than a dozen attempts before I lucked out with a Thalnos/Mind Blast combo.
If you didn't run into ridiculous aggro, count yourself lucky.
ALL of my first three brawls were against mages playing Grimscale Oracle + Murlock Tidecaller.

Personally, I went with Mad Bomber + Madder Bomber. It hasn't won yet, but boy is it a blast to play.

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Innervate + Y'Shaarj is ridiculous too. Turn 3 I had two in play, turn 4 I had four, and at that point my opponent was dead.
Yeah, I kept drawing horrible god-monsters instead of Innervates. It was pretty sad, until the priest I was playing spent his time playing 2/3 dragons and Museum Curators.

So apparently the effect is "double whatever this creature's attack was at the end of turn 1, then reevaluate the rest of the entire chain."
