Over confidence and yadayada. If all Hillary supporters think that way, you'll be trying not to choke on the words "President Trump" in no time;
Well, if Charlie's other thread about the idiocy and evilness of trumps supporters is any indication about hillarys supporters, I suspect a lot of people currently dismiss him as a possible winner.
The election will be completely changed by that time, though, and it will be interesting if Hillary actually runs as anything but, "well, I'm not trump."
She's very smart, though, so I doubt she will underestimate him.
The question dems need to be asking themselves now, though, is will Hillary be a viable candidate given the investigation into her illegal activities as Secretary of State? Doubtless she will throw anyone and everyone under the bus, as she is wont to do, but will that be enough to distance herself from the problem?
She, however, will be a more powerful leader than Obama was, and as an insider she will know how to get things done Obama couldn't have imagined could be accomplished with a recalcitrant congress. The likelihood of foreign decision disasters Obama has had would go way down.