
Staff member
Well, I suppose it had to happen eventually. I just got sent an e-mail, from a coworker, pertaining to company business, comprised of at least 75% #hashtags.
Well, I suppose it had to happen eventually. I just got sent an e-mail, from a coworker, pertaining to company business, comprised of at least 75% #hashtags.
#radio #pettyrants #FWP #ewoks #moderntechnology #dinosaur #hashtagforlife #norespect #directorfromthestoneage #usefulinformation #twittercanthandlemyhashtags
#radio #pettyrants #FWP #ewoks #moderntechnology #dinosaur #hashtagforlife #norespect #directorfromthestoneage #usefulinformation #twittercanthandlemyhashtags
Do you know my friend Dena? That reads like the end of one of her facebook posts, but she does it for humor.


Staff member
My older sister, who knows nothing of this forum, replied to my most recent Facebook post with screenshots of all the times I said I hated something in the last week alone.
Look, guys. I've stayed off Twitter so I can avoid those fucking hashtags. I've had to give up TV this year when they started creeping into every shitty screen crawl. If y'all keep this up, I'm gonna have to pull a Charlie Rage Quit and you'll never see me again.
There are the most bizarre shrieky sounds coming from the tree in the yard that the owls like. I really hope that's not what making baby owls sounds like.
I didn't mind the unexplained mystery of it. If they just went out on a weird song video like the others I would've been ok with it. If they explained what the hell it was all about I'd be ok with it. It felt like they tried to tow the middle line and it didn't work.