[Gaming] Overwatch (#boycottblizz)

I almost posted that just for the moonwalking. I want to know how it happened. Do you have to be nano boosted? Is it a requirement? Or was it just icing?

So not been able to play much, but wanted to play the new Zenyatta changes.

He went from one of the weakest supports to a god damn wrecking ball.
He went from one of the weakest supports to a god damn wrecking ball.
He's still one of the weakest for healing, since his healing mechanic can only heal one ally at a time, and is slower at it than Mercy. But unlike Mercy, he can apply both the healing and damage boost effects simultaneously. The boost to his projectile and movement speeds are what really help.

The boost to his projectile and movement speeds are what really help.
Honestly it's the health that does it for me. Due to his low mobility all you really had to do before was sneeze on him and he would die. His smaller hit box was his only saving grace, but when a fully charged widow body shot killed you in a single shot, that didn't help much.

Now due to his health, the vast majority able to regenerate, a Zenyatta can brutalize half the team, slink off behind a wall for a few seconds, and be fully healed. You have to kill him now or the next time you see him you will be going right back into a fight versus a full power Zen, who with his orb applied does some of the highest single target damage in the game.
Just to add, one game I stuck close to a McCree and we brutalized the other team almost by ourselves. I kept my heal orb on him and was throwing up discords, and he was one-shotting nearly everyone. Anytime someone got close to me he would flashbang and we would destroy them. It was the perfect dynamic duo.


Staff member
Just to add, one game I stuck close to a McCree and we brutalized the other team almost by ourselves. I kept my heal orb on him and was throwing up discords, and he was one-shotting nearly everyone. Anytime someone got close to me he would flashbang and we would destroy them. It was the perfect dynamic duo.
That sounds pretty cool but I'd worry about a lack of mobility. Well, I guess obviously it didn't hamper your experience, but how did you handle the Tracers? How did a Reinhardt charge not squish you?

McCree's weaknesses that kept me from playing him in the past were a lack of healing and low mobility (really I've found the roll to just be an instant reload and almost useless as a mobility thing)... Zenyatta takes care of the healing problem, but doesn't it exacerbate the mobility issue?
McCree's range boost feels pretty good, I have to say. I goofed around in an AI game the other day and barely had to do any Shift/E/Fan combos to smack the bots around.

As for mobility it's still Zen's big glaring weakness, but Discord Orb could allow McCree to force squishy ones like Tracer to retreat due to sheer power. Her needling pistols won't wear either of them down fast enough in the face of a FtH or even a couple well-placed lclick shots.


Staff member
McCree's range boost feels pretty good
Heh, I like to dick around on McCree in skirmish while we wait in the queue, and friday I think I really pissed off a Hanzo who was on defense by beating him in a 1 on 1 sniper duel. He was up in the windows around the first King's Row control point shooting and covering, where I couldn't flashbang or fan the hammer at him, so I just shot him every time I saw him and sidestepped his arrows. It felt devilish.
Yeah basically anyone you used to be able to snag at range with 76 you can now absolutely melt with McCree if you're a good shot. I haven't tried 76 since the spread nerf but I'm sure he's still worth playing. Self-heals counting to Ult % means he can still likely charge somewhat quickly.


Staff member
Yeah basically anyone you used to be able to snag at range with 76 you can now absolutely melt with McCree if you're a good shot. I haven't tried 76 since the spread nerf but I'm sure he's still worth playing. Self-heals counting to Ult % means he can still likely charge somewhat quickly.
I have. The spread nerf isn't bad at all, and I don't anticipate it being an issue. 76 is as good as he ever was.

Now if only I can find a way to stop syncing my ultimate with the enemy's lucio's ultimate.
That sounds pretty cool but I'd worry about a lack of mobility. Well, I guess obviously it didn't hamper your experience, but how did you handle the Tracers? How did a Reinhardt charge not squish you?

McCree's weaknesses that kept me from playing him in the past were a lack of healing and low mobility (really I've found the roll to just be an instant reload and almost useless as a mobility thing)... Zenyatta takes care of the healing problem, but doesn't it exacerbate the mobility issue?
I can only talk about my experiences last night. The tracer that ended up on the enemy team did try to run around hampering us at the spawns, but once I put my orb on her she ran like the wind. I just kept her orbed and she kept spending more time fleeing then actually doing any damage, and the few times she did stop for even a second she always exploded. We also had a reaper hunting, but any time he was out of wraith form we would flash and smash him before he could do anything. He only got his ult off once.

The enemy Reinhardt played mostly as a shielder, and I made sure I was far enough away from him that any charge, if needed, could be avoided. Anytime he DID try to charge me it meant his shield was down, so I would orb him and the McCree and I would unload into him, killing him mid-charge before he would even get close. They also had a Mercy we hunted any time we saw her, me leading with my strikes and the McCree just using LMB trying for hitscan headshots. She would go down in one or two volleys depending on how fast she was able to fly around. Mobility was never an issue because they would die before it became an issue.

The enemy actually did a good job regrouping in the last point of the payload push (this was on Route 66 as Attack), but I switch some focus to the Reinhardt on our team, and it was very satisfying orbing the enemy Reinhardt as mine charged him, which made sure the pin was an insta-gib. A few of the matches I actually made sure our Reinhardt was insta-gibbing a lot of other tanks.
I have. The spread nerf isn't bad at all, and I don't anticipate it being an issue. 76 is as good as he ever was.

Now if only I can find a way to stop syncing my ultimate with the enemy's lucio's ultimate.
I've blown more JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE on perfectly-timed Zenyatta Ults than I care to count.
I've blown more JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE on perfectly-timed Zenyatta Ults than I care to count.
Last night, THREE of our enemies synced up ults. It was a Zarya, Pharah, and Reinhardt. We got hit by the black hole first, and so knowing something was coming I ulted. Sure enough, the hammer came down followed by a JUSTICE FROM ABOVE. We didn't lose a single teammate. I was like :D.

Honestly, his ult is a better ultimate counter then Lucio now, since the small delay with the Lucio ultimate cast makes it less useful as a snap counter. Zenyatta, you just hit Q the minute you hear the start of the call out and you pretty much nullified it.
Plus, it seemed to me, the few times I played him, Zenyatta's ult seems to be charging pretty damn fast.
It'a all about keeping the healing orb up and moving it around when you notice anyone hurt, you gain some intense charge rate on the heal orb, and it's all passive while you also deal out some crazy damage which just increases the charge further, so yes you can charge up in almost no time.
Last night, THREE of our enemies synced up ults. It was a Zarya, Pharah, and Reinhardt. We got hit by the black hole first, and so knowing something was coming I ulted. Sure enough, the hammer came down followed by a JUSTICE FROM ABOVE. We didn't lose a single teammate. I was like :D.

Honestly, his ult is a better ultimate counter then Lucio now, since the small delay with the Lucio ultimate cast makes it less useful as a snap counter. Zenyatta, you just hit Q the minute you hear the start of the call out and you pretty much nullified it.
Yeah a well-played Zarya can Ult and ruin your day, but at the same time her using it is a dead giveaway someone on her team's about to try for a combo. I've gotten lucky and mowed down a McCree as he was High Nooning while I was stuck in the gravity well.


Staff member
You say that, and yet I know you aren't playing Overwatch all weekend, every week. ;)
Most of those videos took me a week straight of doing nothing else, or more. Hell, the Haruhi Wasabi video took three weeks of doing absolutely nothing else.
TIL Bastion's heal is a momentary switch. That is, you have to hold it down to heal.
All this time I've been wondering why he wouldn't heal to full when I pressed it. "Oh, it must be because I'm on stairs. Oh, it must be because I'm clipping this mailbox." Nope. Just wasn't holding it down.
Also, I learned what armor does. Nice.
