Exactly.And yet, it's the cops who're going to have to try and break it. Admitting cops are people too and make mistakes is part of that. Some mistakes may be excusable, some not; some can be explained, some are just plain dumbfuckery. Cops carry guns and go about all day in a dangerous job; accidents and wrongful deaths will happen. Always a tragedy, of course, but it'll happen no matter what. Covering up or lying is the most stupid and asinine way of dealing with it.
I think one of the biggest issues is that police, very rarely, apologize for wrongful death, let alone admit it in the first place when these higher profile deaths come out. They worry that the cop that took the shot will see personal backlash, or depending on the severity, go to jail themselves. So the blue shield goes up and the excuses come out, or in some cases the wall of silence, and then everyone just sees them as above the law, which leads to more distrust because now the populace feels like cops are untouchable, and how can you feel safe when the person that is supposed to keep you safe can just shoot you in broad daylight and get away with it?
Cops have hard jobs, everyone understands wrongful deaths will happen in the heat of a moment, but you admit the mistake, you apologize for it, and you give restitution to the family without forcing them to take the city into a huge annoying trial (which is probably more expensive then just giving them restitution in the first place). Most of the time they just say "Well we thought he was on PCP, so whatever", put the cop on PAID administrative leave, and hope it just all goes away, which it won't, it instead often leads to a lengthy civil trial that leads everyone through the mud. How the hell is the family supposed to get any type of closure from that?
I am not saying "fuck the police" here as I respect the hell out of many police officers, I just think as civil servants, the police need to realize that they are going to be held to higher standards then various communities in the populace. They need to show they understand that, and not to abuse it to protect themselves from situations in which they were in the wrong.