Funny (political, religious) pictures

Are...are you being serious? She's Trumps campaign manager. I don't know how you could've followed this campaign with the slightest depth without knowing who she is.


Staff member
Trump's campaign manager
Are...are you being serious? She's Trumps campaign manager. I don't know how you could've followed this campaign with the slightest depth without knowing who she is.
Ah, I stopped paying attention to the trump campaign weeks ago, figured you guys would be providing me with any important developments I needed to know, thus sparing my sanity :D
Are...are you being serious? She's Trumps campaign manager. I don't know how you could've followed this campaign with the slightest depth without knowing who she is.
To be fair, Trump has relied on pseudo-campaign managers like Bannon and Stone more than his actual campaign manager.
(In reference to the first tweet)

At first I was like "What? Obama in drag?"

Then I realized it was a dig at Hillary, which only begs the question, "Has she even worn a skirt in the last 10 years? I only ever see her in pantsuits."