a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

  • Total voters
The fact so many people can even vote for Trump boggles my mind.
Same here.

This is just my opinion here but.... I literally want to projectile vomit on Trump. He's a horrible human being.

People who don't vote for anything but Trump/Republic are looking at the world with tinted glasses (partisan dumbasses) or are sexist/racist (won't vote for a woman/accept the hate he preaches).

It amazes me so many idiots are out there but, I've been pretty vocal on how I feel about American politics in the past (massively corrupt/lobbyism).

Please don't hate on me, just venting my frustration that this guy is leading and hope people are right about a lot of votes going Hillary's way in the end.
Keep in mind that in MI the ann arbor polls weren't complete until well after poll closing, so theres another few tens of thousands of votes going toward clinton over the next hour or so. the polls weren't very well supplied.
Truth is that there are a lot of Democratic votes out there to count yet, and later voters tend to vote Democratic.

This could be over when the CA polls close.
Polls in Ann arbor are finally closed, and there are a lot of democratic strongholds where polls are delayed due to long lines or voting issues.

However, the NY Times is now projecting a trump win at 68%. 538 still has him under 30%.

Very strange, but between the two I'd trust 538.
So, has anyone read this article from David Wong?

Honestly, at the time I read it I was convinced but not totally, but the closer I look at this election the more I notice how right he is about some things, including the city vs rural divide. If you look at every county map in the red states, you will notice the vast majority of the biggest city counties went blue, while everything else around them is red. It's really interesting to see now that someone has pointed it out to me.
Don't. 538 doesnt take live votes into account until a state is called.
But this happened in the last several elections. Media companies calling states for republicans before votes counted, and an hour or two before the last polls close in western states.
But this happened in the last several elections. Media companies calling states for republicans before votes counted, and an hour or two before the last polls close in western states.
Thats true, but even Nate Silver has said that 73% is not really an accurate number.
73% trump via nytimes.

45% trump via 538.

Big changeup due to MI, FL, and OH early results.[DOUBLEPOST=1478661150,1478661116][/DOUBLEPOST]:popcorn:
Don't. 538 doesnt take live votes into account until a state is called.
I understand now. Here's their latest statement:

The forecast you see on the right-hand rail is based only on called states. But we did build in a Plan B in the event of an election like tonight: We can override our initial forecast by declaring a state “too close to call” and changing the model’s forecast. We’re doing that in Michigan right now, setting the odds at 50/50 there, and we’ll be monitoring other states for whether they need similar treatment.
So, has anyone read this article from David Wong?

Honestly, at the time I read it I was convinced but not totally, but the closer I look at this election the more I notice how right he is about some things, including the city vs rural divide. If you look at every county map in the red states, you will notice the vast majority of the biggest city counties went blue, while everything else around them is red. It's really interesting to see now that someone has pointed it out to me.
Lack of education, racism, sexism?
Lack of education, racism, sexism?
A desperation for someone to blame combined with a leadership that will feed people nonsensical scapegoats so they don't see the real reason for their problems.

Like I said when that article came up in the other thread, Trump isn't bringing back the jobs to those towns.
Every single female in my relationship web is nearing the crying-in-panic stage. My wife is terrified because some of Trump's spoused immigration policies could threaten my status.

Gotta say this is the strangest election I've lived.
I will say that if Hillary loses, she needs to never run again, wasting the space that could be taken up by another democratic candidate, because if she isn't able to beat Trump of all people, she can't beat anyone.


Staff member
This is insanely close. If it does go to Trump I want everyone who crowed about "emailgate" to remember how big a deal it was to to you when Trump's scandals hit the floor.

Or think about how you thought about Benghazi when Trump starts a war.