a Trump vs Clinton United States Presidential Election in 2016

Who do you vote into the office of USA President?

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This is insanely close. If it does go to Trump I want everyone who crowed about "emailgate" to remember how big a deal it was to to you when Trump's scandals hit the floor.

Or think about how you thought about Benghazi when Trump starts a war.
I think there would be bipartisan support for immediate impeachment.


Staff member
Clinton took Virginia. That keeps it alive. She's still got a chance in a number of battlegrounds. This will be a very long night.
I know that Clinton is almost certainly going to take California and its 55 electoral votes, so I've been watching the results with that in mind. As long as Clinton + 55 > Trump, then all is well.

At the moment, Clinton + 55 < Trump.
I always advocated the US to have a 3rd political party and the last time they had someone of note was Perrot in the early 90ies.

A lot of people are giving the new parties/voters a lot of grief for "taking votes away from Hillary" and it would make sense educated individuals would vote for them if they didn't like Hillary.

I sorta agree with them since I sincerely doubt Republicans would vote for them.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Man, it's gonna be a tough 4 years for you bastards.
Donald Trump has an overwhelming lead in the electoral college. Rural voters, who have been traditionally discounted in polls as unlikely voters, have come out in droves. Democrats in supposedly "safe" states for Hillary Clinton stayed home. Blue collar workers listened to Trump's promises to fix the economy and bring back jobs. Latino voters in important states for Clinton didn't vote. All in all, EVERYONE has been wrong about this election. Once again, Trump has pounced on a country that thought he was a joke and is beating the odds.

I don't know what this means for the future of this country, but I honestly think it is frightening. People are genuinely upset, and this election has all the hallmarks of the beginning of a disaster. The divide in this country is enormous. Nothing good will come of this.
If Hillary was winning more swing states third parties would be "taking votes away from Trump." It's just a statement made on both sides as a way to try and keep people from voting third party.


Staff member
538 just increased Clinton's odds to 52%.

Edit: Shit. Tied.

Interestingly enough, the electoral map is shaping up almost exactly like 2012. This thing's not over.


Staff member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am at a Trump rally in Manhattan, and thousands are chanting &quot;We hate Muslims, we hate blacks, we want our great country back&quot;. Disgusting</p>&mdash; Simon Rowntree (@SRowntreeNews) <a href="
That can't be real. Wtf has happened to our country.
For anybody else wanting an update site, if you type "us election results" into google, it comes up with a frequently-updating map for both presidential, and congress results in aggregate. No state-level results though, so probably inferior to some major news sites, but good for quick-n-dirty and fast.

Also, God help us all. And I'm in Canada!
Just the thought of him having Chris Christie and Rudy on his cabinet is terrifying.[DOUBLEPOST=1478664307,1478664131][/DOUBLEPOST]And just because of course, the NYTimes thinks she'll win the popular vote anyway.
How the fuck does Mark Rubio get a seat in the senate again? The guy doesn't even believe in climate change.
To counter my earlier "if Hillary loses" post:

If Hillary wins, we still have a hell of a mess in this country. People felt it was okay to let the hatred fester so long as it did so on the outskirts where it could be believed to be a thing of the past, and with Trump having turned up the volume, there's a belief that this kind of talk is legitimate, important, and acceptable. It isn't, but how will that ever be clear if we as a country keep pretending racism is just a thing that Martin Luther King ended in the 60s, rather than a systemic problem that continues today? Because allowing it to exist as a subtlety gives it time and space to grow overt, as we've seen this year. We can't keep pretending, because even if Trump loses, our country is still full of people who think this is okay.[DOUBLEPOST=1478664699,1478664629][/DOUBLEPOST]
How the fuck does Mark Rubio get a seat in the senate again? The guy doesn't even believe in climate change.
We have people in Congress who think a woman's period is something she can turn on and off and that the purpose of tampons is sexual pleasure.

If you ever think you've seen as low as the U.S. can go ... we can go lower. :facepalm:
To counter my earlier "if Hillary loses" post:

If Hillary wins, we still have a hell of a mess in this country. People felt it was okay to let the hatred fester so long as it did so on the outskirts where it could be believed to be a thing of the past, and with Trump having turned up the volume, there's a belief that this kind of talk is legitimate, important, and acceptable. It isn't, but how will that ever be clear if we as a country keep pretending racism is just a thing that Martin Luther King ended in the 60s, rather than a systemic problem that continues today? Because allowing it to exist as a subtlety gives it time and space to grow overt, as we've seen this year. We can't keep pretending, because even if Trump loses, our country is still full of people who think this is okay.[DOUBLEPOST=1478664699,1478664629][/DOUBLEPOST]

We have people in Congress who think a woman's period is something she can turn on and off and that the purpose of tampons is sexual pleasure.

If you ever think you've seen as low as the U.S. can go ... we can go lower. :facepalm:
Relevant reading: Tuesday Shouldn't Change the Narrative, by Scott Alexander


Staff member
It's basically over now. Trump is going to be president. God help us. Hopefully, he'll just, like always, be full of shit. The world will be watching him closely, though.
I'm really genuinely afraid that he'll actually try selling our home-owned debt to foreign creditors and will start declaring treaties null and void. I also think Putin will run circles around him.


Staff member
They really will repeal the Affordable Health Care Act now. They'll have everything. I'm just glad I live in Massachusetts. We've basically had that here since Romney.
Silver's saying that the best result for Democrats now that seems at all likely is an EV split and the hope that Paul Ryan won't actually pick Trump.

Seriously, that's how fucked we are.