[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

They finally demolished the building where my parents in law used to live. My wife is sad about it. I told her that we got married before they moved there, so she never actually lived there, except during six months of her pregnacy where she was in bed all the time. She is VERY angry with me now.
They finally demolished the building where my parents in law used to live. My wife is sad about it. I told her that we got married before they moved there, so she never actually lived there, except during six months of her pregnacy where she was in bed all the time. She is VERY angry with me now.
If I had a nickel for every time I failed to comfort my SO by arguing that their emotions were invalid because they were illogical, I would have a handful of nickels from before I learnt better.
Thing is, for people who don't want em, there's already an on/off switch. In fact, you can set it to default to off. I hate annotation abuse as much as the next guy.
I knew about the on/off switch in videos but had no idea you could have them default to off. I wish I knew that earlier.
If I had a nickel for every time I failed to comfort my SO by arguing that their emotions were invalid because they were illogical, I would have a handful of nickels from before I learnt better.
"Now, honey, we both know you're being illogical..."
<ducks flying furniture>
"...which is making you do irrational things..."
<crashing sounds>

And another fucking infection and more time in a hospital emergency room. Fuck St. Patrick's and all the Irish.

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Staff member
So apparently Fallout Shelter decided it needed to spend 4 hours and half my battery trying to download an "additional file," probably for its St. Patrick's day event.

Fuck that shit. That's ridiculous. I mean, I'm on wifi, this should not be taking HOURS. I haven't played in months anyway, I think this will be the final straw to get me to uninstall it.
I'm losing my mind in this room. Some fucking jagoff just outside has been whistling Deck the Halls for the last hour. I want him to die.

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"We're just waiting on your lab work."

No one took any blood from me.

"Oh maybe we should do that."


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The kid's babysitter was super mean to me today. I paid her and instead of saying thank you or even nothing, she said a bunch of mean things about how could I possibly raise my kids being in pain all the time. If I really was even in pain all the time. And how shitty life must be for my kids.

When I wrote back. Wow! She gave me a half assed apology and when I didn't immediately respond, she chewed me out some more for being offended by what she said. And then proceeded to say some more offensive things about how shafted my kids are with me as a mother. I told her that I was on the phone. When I was done, I told her that I knew it was hard on them, but that I gave them the very best that I could and that they knew they were loved. I also told her that it was pretty shitty for me as well. She never bothered to respond.

What the hell? Someone insults me, then when I don't acknowledge their sort of apology fast enough, they get mad at me and insult me some more? All because I paid them on time??


Staff member
The kid's babysitter was super mean to me today. I paid her and instead of saying thank you or even nothing, she said a bunch of mean things about how could I possibly raise my kids being in pain all the time. If I really was even in pain all the time. And how shitty life must be for my kids.

When I wrote back. Wow! She gave me a half assed apology and when I didn't immediately respond, she chewed me out some more for being offended by what she said. And then proceeded to say some more offensive things about how shafted my kids are with me as a mother. I told her that I was on the phone. When I was done, I told her that I knew it was hard on them, but that I gave them the very best that I could and that they knew they were loved. I also told her that it was pretty shitty for me as well. She never bothered to respond.

What the hell? Someone insults me, then when I don't acknowledge their sort of apology fast enough, they get mad at me and insult me some more? All because I paid them on time??
Time to find a new babysitter.
For what it's worth my husband thinks I'm way overreacting to what she wrote.

A thank you would have been much better.

I'm super tired of people thinking it's cool to give me medical advice, opinions on my health or sell me turmeric.
For what it's worth my husband thinks I'm way overreacting to what she wrote.

A thank you would have been much better.

I'm super tired of people thinking it's cool to give me medical advice, opinions on my health or sell me turmeric.
Back when my wife was going through the cervical cancer/hysterectomy thing, I had a lot of people trying to sell me acai berry bullshit, and one of my friends got her that bullshit Suzanne Somers book on how to cure cancer with diet. It would really piss me off until I finally had to make the realization that these people mean well. They're just dumb as a box of rocks, and they can't help it. That helped quell the anger down to a mild annoyance.
Back when my wife was going through the cervical cancer/hysterectomy thing, I had a lot of people trying to sell me acai berry bullshit, and one of my friends got her that bullshit Suzanne Somers book on how to cure cancer with diet. It would really piss me off until I finally had to make the realization that these people mean well. They're just dumb as a box of rocks, and they can't help it. That helped quell the anger down to a mild annoyance.
I try to think that way, but it gets really hard. I've had so many people try to cure me and honest to god, if a $10 bottle of garlic would fix me, I'd be all over it.

I have gotten better at being able to tell which people genuinely mean well, but maybe don't know what to say, so they offer advice like this. It's not helpful at all, but at least they're saying something. There have been many people in my life, who say nothing. That's worse.

The worst though are the people who suck and just like being mean or interfering. I've received tons of mean spirited advice. I don't understand why people would speak up and try to cure me if they just want to be hateful. I had an old boss at my firm say some nasty things to me. I was too scared to speak up at the time. My last nasty boss had plenty of opinions on my health. A former friend of mine never got tired of forwarding me snake oil cures.

Also, as I was typing this, I got all kinds of autocorrects including "honest to gorilla" which @HCGLNS loved.
I have gotten better at being able to tell which people genuinely mean well, but maybe don't know what to say
This is me.

There's a woman at work who suffers from something (misaligned hip or the like) that regularly causes her leg to swell up and hurt horribly when she has has to do certain things. I really don't know how to express "useful" sympathy other tgan to say things like "I'm glad you didn't have to do that thing today," or "I hope the pain dies down quickly enough so you can get at least some sleep."

I don't know.
This is me.

There's a woman at work who suffers from something (misaligned hip or the like) that regularly causes her leg to swell up and hurt horribly when she has has to do certain things. I really don't know how to express "useful" sympathy other tgan to say things like "I'm glad you didn't have to do that thing today," or "I hope the pain dies down quickly enough so you can get at least some sleep."

I don't know.
I've found "is there anything I could do, or stop doing, to help?" to be a decent catch-all.
And I'm being admitted to hospital for a couple of days of intense anti-biotics and possibly more surgery.

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