I've been playing Far Cry 3. It's pretty good for what it is. I don't really have much original to say about it that I haven't heard in multiple different reviews. Except for the fact that I liked Far Cry 2 better. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority in liking that game as much as I did, but I thought it did a lot of things right that FC3 messed up on. I've just started the second island in FC3, but I've seen a Let's Play of the game, so I know most of the plot.
- FC2 didn't make you carry around a repair tool. There has yet to be a point in FC3 where I wanted to trade a weapon slot for a repair tool, or even felt like I missed out for not having one. It's a baffling game design decision.
- For all that weapon degradation could be frustrating in FC2, I Liked being able to walk around and pull my weapons off the wall to change my loadout. I really miss being able to do that in FC3. The menus in FC3 are frustrating, poorly designed, and detract from the game.
- FC2 seemed to realize that it's protagonists (mercenaries) are ultimately selfish assholes, and the plot kinda revolved around showing how violence warps people, especially if they grow powerful through violence. FC3 shares some of the similarities in theme, but it really pulls it's punches and seems to want to paint Jason and his friends as likeable dudes, when they're spoiled rich brats. Also, the rebels are constantly spouting the same lines over and over, and they sound like the exact same kind of asshole dudebros that Jason and his friends are. ("This is ALL ME!", "I got this!" Shut up! You're just standing around, be quiet about how awesome you think you are!)