This isn't about a new strip, but it's related to Order of the Stick.
Awhile back, there was a guy in the comments of the Order of the Stick Kickstarter. He spammed every post with "Please explain your absence from this date to this date," relating to Rich Burlew saying in a previous update that he would post again on a specific day. And he missed it. Which, you know, it happens. No biggie. But this guy seemed to take it ridiculously personal, posting over and over "Please explain your absence..." not just in the comments, but harassing Rich about it on Twitter. He then went on this crusade about Rich making up his thumb injury. His evidence being that the art style changed to something more demanding, which is ridiculous for someone to do with a new, permanent disability that affects their output.
And I just discovered the guy is not only still going on this crusade, but made a new Twitter account specifically to "call Rich out." And is claiming he was banned on the forums because of his disability (autism). When it was Rich was just sick of him making incredulous accusations.
Awhile back, there was a guy in the comments of the Order of the Stick Kickstarter. He spammed every post with "Please explain your absence from this date to this date," relating to Rich Burlew saying in a previous update that he would post again on a specific day. And he missed it. Which, you know, it happens. No biggie. But this guy seemed to take it ridiculously personal, posting over and over "Please explain your absence..." not just in the comments, but harassing Rich about it on Twitter. He then went on this crusade about Rich making up his thumb injury. His evidence being that the art style changed to something more demanding, which is ridiculous for someone to do with a new, permanent disability that affects their output.
And I just discovered the guy is not only still going on this crusade, but made a new Twitter account specifically to "call Rich out." And is claiming he was banned on the forums because of his disability (autism). When it was Rich was just sick of him making incredulous accusations.