I can't even begin to describe how pissed off I am with my co-worker. For those who don't know, I work in Graduate Awards & Scholarships at the University of Saskatchewan. I'm the Senior Awards Officer and supervise the other Awards Officer. One of the major parts of our job is to receive scholarship applications from students/departments and prepare them for adjudication by our Awards Committee. We have to make sure we provide all of the correct information and parts of the application to the committee in a timely manner, which is usually 5-8 business days (which is a pretty short time period when you consider that we regularly have 3-5 competitions going on at the same time).
So, what happened is that one of the departments sent us an email with 8 scholarship applications attached to it. My co-worker replied that the applications had been received and downloaded them to the online files. All of them, except one. Let's call this student Jane.
Today I got an email from a faculty supervisor, asking for the results of the competition and how Jane fared. I go to check the files and find that the application isn't there. I figure that we didn't receive it (it happens sometimes; a student will tell their supervisor that they wish to apply but decide not to at the last minute). I'm about to reply to the faculty member with that information, when I decide to check our office's shared email account. I find the email from the department with the applications attached to it (including Jane's). I also find the email where my co-worker replied that the applications had been received. Oh poopie.
I have my co-worker go through her email account to see if she received something that would disqualify Jane's application, but she can't find anything. Because there was nothing to disqualify this student. My co-worker fucked up. Massively.
The thing that pissed me off the most is that when I explained the situation to her, she (1) was extremely nonchalant about the whole incident (no remorse for missing the application) and (2) she tried to push the blame off on me since I "should have checked my work". Only thing, I was on short-term disability during that time period. Sorry, can't shift the blame on this one, you stupid bitch.
This isn't the first mistake she's made but it's the biggest. She's been in the position for 1 1/2 years and still doesn't know her job, but doesn't ask for help or training to improve her skills. My supervisor and I have been working for the past 4 months to build a case to terminate her (yay, unions
) and this is the final straw. She has been told many, many, many times that attention to detail, especially when it comes to competition materials, is of maximum importance. If I had the authority, I would have fired her ass today. So, I'm going to go in on my day off and talk to the Dean of the College about this and what he wants to do about it.
Because the kicker - I went through Jane's application once I found it and she would have won the scholarship competition, hands down. I'm hoping that the Dean will do the right thing and provide this student with funding from his discretionary fund account.
TL;DR - my coworker is a stupid, incompetent bitch who I can't trust to find her own ass with both hands and directions; she fucked up a competition, refused to take responsibility for her mistake, tried to shift the blame to me, and needs to be fired out of a cannon.
Way TL;DR - I'm going to feed her to the doomweasels.