Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody
Genre: Stuck in a video game, Fantasy, Harem, Comedy
Fanservice: Frequent, questionable taste
Premise: MMO programmer falls asleep at his desk, wakes up inside the game he's debugging. Lolicon ensues.
Yes, yet ANOTHER "I'm stuck inside a video game!" gig. This one, however, is more of the "in another world with my smartphone" vein, in that the Main Character very quickly (through beta bugs/design glitches) reaches a stupidly unbeatable power level and thus is in no actual danger at any point for the rest of the series. However, to avoid complicated entanglements, he tries to keep his leeethax0red nature on the down low so that he can live peacefully and enjoy himself rather than being forced to undertake some PITA uberquest.
Despite the ominous sounding title, the mood in this series is light and cutesy. The "Death March" is the programming industry term for the "crunch time" part running up to a game's release, where coders are working 30 hour days to squash bugs and get the product ready for final shipment. This is how the MC ends up falling asleep at his desk in the first place - exhausted from overwork.
It doesn't take long for him to build a harem, first out of rescued slaves, and of course the first girl he runs into instantly falls completely head over heels for him. Early in the first episode (while still in the "real" world), he has a blatant "pet the dog" moment where he assists a lost child in finding her mother, and it ends with a completely anvilicious suspiciously-specific-denial of "thank goodness the mother didn't misunderstand, I'm no lolicon!" .... and then the entire rest of the series seems to stumble from one barely-obscured naked early-teen to the next in a constant cavalcade fit to make most non-pedos at the least a liiiittle uncomfortable with what's on screen. I know MY parents would have been very concerned to have walked in on me watching this, back in the day. The show attempts to handwave the most egregious case (an ostensibly-11-years-old girl who constantly tries to seduce the MC, but is, in reality, a reincarnated adult woman from the "real world" who died in an accident and was reborn here), but
it didn't work for Nowi in Fire Emblem and it rings especially hollow here. Even "How not to summon a demon lord" feels less pervy than this, and that one is unabashedly Ecchi. It's especially funny-but-confusing that the MC DOES have more than one normal sexual encounter with adult women (and only adult women) in the series, but those parts are COMPLETELY skipped over via jump cut to him leaving the brothel/inn/whatever the next morning with absolutely no fanservice whatsoever, contrasted to the frequent played-for-laughs instances of a tween slave clad only in her long-and-strategically-placed hair constantly trying to seduce him but never getting anywhere because he's "not a lolicon." Well, MC might not be, but obviously the writers think the audience is.
So, my final summation is, there's lots of better and less pandering/problematic stuff to watch, especially in the now-suddenly-prolific "stuck in a video game" genre. But if you've run out of things to watch while you wait for new episodes of Overlord/Konosuba/HNTSADL/Log Horizon/IAWwmSP/etc, and don't care what other people think of you when they learn you're watching a show with naked 11 year old girls in it by choice, then this one is watchable.