Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I guess you shouldn't have believed that either until the CBC ran with it.
I don't know much about the papers but that's not unreasonable. When one source throws stuff a dartboard, it doesn't mean they should be trusted because something they say hits. Whereas if CBC has a good record, them saying it is actually a sign that real reporting was done.
I don't know much about the papers but that's not unreasonable. When one source throws stuff a dartboard, it doesn't mean they should be trusted because something they say hits. Whereas if CBC has a good record, them saying it is actually a sign that real reporting was done.
They don't. They're the government-funded mouthpiece of the Loony-left in Canada. They will emphasize anything that MAY see the right in a bad light, and completely conceal (until they can't) anything that makes the left look bad.

They're also infamous for how TERRIBLE their television is. When there was a strike up here so that they couldn't produce any of their shows, they showed movies instead during primetime (and I mean hollywood movies). Their viewership soared. If they didn't receive BILLIONS a year from the Canadian taxpayer, they'd die. And we have two private networks that DO survive without the subsidies. That's another point of political contention right there. Some of what they provide in isolated communities perhaps should happen, but many believe they should be privatized and made to fend for themselves like any other network. There's a heavy left/right divide on that though, as the left doesn't want their subsidized mouthpiece cut off, whereas the right doesn't want to keep having to fund the left's mouthpiece.
If you ever want to know a news source's bias all you have to do is look at the stories they sit on as long as they can.
Sorry, I'm just being a miserable dick. I'll delete this.

This was a wonderful 2 weeks ruined suddenly.
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/insert paragraph of nutty rightwing rambling.
I hope this is nutty enough:

Our North American grey squirrel hasn't only been successful here. Victorian visitors were so enamoured with their playful antics that they took them home to Britain. In a very short time our greys have run amok and caused the demise of the UK's native red squirrel. Will the scientists dedicated to stopping the advancing army of greys succeed?
Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test showing that she does in fact have a small portion of native ancestry.

What's more interesting is why she chose to do this even though her constituents clearly don't care. I have to assume this is in anticipation of 2020.
What's more interesting is why she chose to do this even though her constituents clearly don't care. I have to assume this is in anticipation of 2020.
...and Trump supporters don’t care about facts or evidence, so it won’t help with that either.
Oh of course, they're birthers. But now no one in the mainstream media will ask her if she'd take a DNA test or something. It gets to be something nobody talks about but trumps base.
Honestly, this reminds me. I really think we need a "cut off" age for political work.

Every time I look at the GOP and all it has done, it reminded me of one thing. It's almost entirely a bunch of old, wealthy white dudes. They got the tax cuts that will make the donors happy, the donors will make sure they live a comfortable life once they retire, which could be soon, based on the midterm projections, and then sometime soon they just pass on.

Why would they care about climate change, or the collapse of the economy, or any of that, when they will possibly be dead in the next decade? That's the next guys problem. They got the money they needed to make sure their family has an advantage in the bandit filled, scorched hellscape they leave behind.

I really feel we can have a better governing system if we just picked an area in the middle, not too young that they don't have any wisdom, but not so old that they just don't give a shit anymore. Politicians need to have a vested interest in "the future".
Honestly, this reminds me. I really think we need a "cut off" age for political work.

Every time I look at the GOP and all it has done, it reminded me of one thing. It's almost entirely a bunch of old, wealthy white dudes. They got the tax cuts that will make the donors happy, the donors will make sure they live a comfortable life once they retire, which could be soon, based on the midterm projections, and then sometime soon they just pass on.

Why would they care about climate change, or the collapse of the economy, or any of that, when they will possibly be dead in the next decade? That's the next guys problem. They got the money they needed to make sure their family has an advantage in the bandit filled, scorched hellscape they leave behind.

I really feel we can have a better governing system if we just picked an area in the middle, not too young that they don't have any wisdom, but not so old that they just don't give a shit anymore. Politicians need to have a vested interest in "the future".
Which would result in congressmen not caring a damn about retirement funding, and making sure they've got everything they need before they're forced out.
You need some older people (though a 70 or 75 Max age is fine) to care for older people and pass on experience just like you need younger people to take up issues of younger people and learn.
Which would result in congressmen not caring a damn about retirement funding, and making sure they've got everything they need before they're forced out.
Why is this any different then we have now? Do you really think the 75 year old man with millions of dollars is also going to be worried about retirement funding for the middle to lower class?

Hell, if that is a problem, then we need to start actually talking about adding those term limits, so that a younger politician will be forced to make sure things like retirement are well taken care of, as he will likely need it himself someday. It still remains that a younger politician at the least has to take stock in the future as he will be living in it, an old guy does not.
Every time I look at the GOP and all it has done, it reminded me of one thing. It's almost entirely a bunch of old, wealthy white dudes.".
Heh. You saw the video I posted, right?
we need to start actually talking about adding those term limits
I wonder what it would be like if we instead implemented a system of “diminishing returns,” where you can run as long as you want/many times as you want, but once you win, you get handicapped a certain number/percentage of votes for your reelection, and that handicap increases with each subsequent term.
I’m also open to the possibility of that handicap decaying every term that candidate does not hold office.



Staff member
I used to talk about term limits a lot, but people kept pointing out to me that even if you change out the politicians, they'll just inherit the same staffers, who do all the work anyway - and they'll Svengali their way into becoming the new perpetual problem.
We need cut offs or term limits because at this point the government is being run by people with zero interest in the future as they won't live to see it.
I used to talk about term limits a lot, but people kept pointing out to me that even if you change out the politicians, they'll just inherit the same staffers, who do all the work anyway - and they'll Svengali their way into becoming the new perpetual problem.
Were these people the cast of Yes, Minister?
In 2018, the republican voting rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. The once great city of New York becomes the one maximum security prison for the entire GOP. A fifty-foot containment wall is erected along the New Jersey shoreline, across the Harlem River, and down along the Brooklyn shoreline. It completely surrounds Manhattan Island. All bridges and waterways are mined. The United States Police Force, like an army, is encamped around the island. There are no guards inside the prison, only republicans and the worlds they have made. The rules are simple: once you go in, you don't come out.