I wish we had a game rental service that mailed us games to rent. Instead we have an issue notifications and apologies service, where we get problem notifications and apologies to keep. But I guess ProblemsAndApologiesFly isn't as catchy as Gamefly.
We go on the same cycle with them:
- Start service, games come and go readily
- After four months, things start to slow
- Month 5, it's taking two weeks after shipping notification for us to get a game, so we drop the service
- Couple years go by, we give it another try hoping that service has improved.
Each time I cancel, they offer a free month. Normally I'm done and waive the month, but this time I took it just to see if they can get their act together. It's been over a week since the game shipped. I contacted customer service, they told me to wait longer and then contact them again if it still hadn't arrived.
I think this needs to be our last time with Gamefly, but I said that three years ago and here we are.