Just another nice, verbose, Regular Car Review, until suddenly at 11:35, it starts SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO ME.
"In a sense, this Nova is the ideal car for Xennials, that orphan group between Gen X and Millennials. People like me, who identify with either generation but claim neither. You were born during the Carter administration, or maybe the first year of the Reagan administration. And no matter who Boomers are complaining about this week, you feel the weight of their accusations. It's a group young enough to vividly remember the birth of social media, but too old to ever look cool using it. Social anxiety rises as you search for welcome, seeking bright eyes and open arms. You feel a longing in the depth of your soul, but you're also militantly opposed to ever getting married or having children. SO HERE YOU GO! A Chevy Nova. A beautiful piece of simulacrum representing the mass appeal of rarity. This is a car that will be welcome anywhere it goes. YOU will be welcome anywhere you go. You won't just have younger generations thinking you're cool when you drive this, Boomers will have to nut up and admit that maybe there's hope for the youth of America yet - "youth" in this case meaning the people on the broad side of 40. You'll have the Boomers' respect, but it's "begrudgeoning," as they compromise their poli-grip in the jealous gnashing of teeth. You see, Boomers may rag on younger generations for being self-involved, but they were no less self-obsessed in their day. Every young generation wants to change the world, and they all eventually settle into the 9-to-5s and forget what it was ever like to be that young - and rationalize the difference by saying that so-and-so generation is different; it's just the time. In a "Principal Skinner" kind of way, it's the children who are wrong. But that's not it. Boomers want a pat on the back for changing the world - for doing the work that time would have done anyway. And that's what every generation expects when they get old. So let's stop pretending that we're all that different from one pair of decades to the next. Because the unending shape of the 3rd Generation Chevy Nova is the navigator that folds space so that we all can connect."