Milo Yiannopolis (probably misspelled, whatever) complaining about the social media he's not been kicked off of. The Gab one made me laugh out loud.
"The conservative and libertarian base is lazy, entitled and cowardly"
That's the kind of sentiment that's sure to win you their hearts and minds!
"We can't count on regulation to bring down Big Tech, it's us vs big tech and we need to circumvent them!"
Gee, it's almost like you might need some sort of controling body to keep the rich and powerful in check so they don't just squash the little guy. Lucky these big companies can't throw their money around to influence lawmakers or anything.
Yeah, I don't know how much of a hypocrite you can be.
I'm surprised again and again how politicians, and even more so political pundits/opinioneers, let themselves be convinced they're representing some sort of "silent majority". Both sides of the spectrum, by the way - here in Belgium the Green party was supposed to make a huge leap and score 20+% in the elections. Instead they won a little and gained just over 10% - more or less status quo. They're still salty and talking about media bias and bad communication and the like, while the answer simply is: young green city-living dinks aren't a majority, and pushing one narrative in the media for months doesn't suddenly turn everybody to your way of thinking.
I'm still fairly sure mmmmaybe 20% of the people is actually interested and active in politics, and 80% just wants to be left alone because politicians are gonna politick, and nothing they do matters.