Oh, you silly Canuck. That doesn’t start until October 1st.Least you don't have social credit yet that determines if you can fly or use trains or such shit.
Oh, you silly Canuck. That doesn’t start until October 1st.Least you don't have social credit yet that determines if you can fly or use trains or such shit.
Hi. I'm PatrThom's wife, a person who totally exists. Mostly, I exist on Tumblr, where I have a lot of transgender mutuals. Honestly, your story sounds pretty familiar. You don't need to be uncomfortable in your body to be really trans, and you're not the only person with a logistics problem either. I think you should try talking to some other transgender people. There are plenty of them on Tumblr; just keep in mind that Tumblr is a swamp and there are absolutely people there who will tell you that your experience isn't valid because it doesn't fit their scripts so -- social media emptor, I guess. Otherwise, Scarleteen has a good primer on transgender issues and PFLAG has a nice list of books more geared toward adults.Long rambling, unfocused rant. Possibly NSFW, TMI, whatever. I need to tell this to someone and I think this is the only place I can without being judged to hell. If you can guess/know who this is, fine, but please don't ever tell anyone.
So I'm starting to have a strong inkling that I might be trans. I've had these thoughts on and off for a few years now, but they've been pretty consistent the last 6 months or so. These last few weeks it's been incredibly strong to the point where I'm pretty sure I want to at least give it a try.
I'm not someone who "hates" my body per se. I didn't grow up knowing I was in the wrong body or anything. I just...want to be a woman. I like the idea of dressing as one, having the body of one, just living as one. I've read the old adage of "if you could press a button to permanently turn you into the opposite sex, would you?" and I pretty much 100% would. Seeing pictures of trans women makes me feel jealous. I've thought plenty of times that I wish I was trans so I could transition without it really clicking that (maybe) thats what being trans is for some people. I googled around and I read this article, and what she's said about it being a longing more than an identity describes me to a T.
The downside is, I have no way to know how real these feelings even are. I'm not in a situation where I'd feel for my life or anything like that, but there is no way I can even explore this without arousing suspicion. If I took the time to see a therapist that specializes in this kind of stuff, either I'd have to explain what I'm doing, which would never be undone, or I'd have to lie, which is just asking to have things blow up down the line. I'd even love to just buy some clothes, makeup and whatnot and try wearing that for a bit in my house but I don't live alone so that's not feasible. I fantasize a ton about going as women as I can, heading to an LGBT-friendly bar, and just sitting alone by myself. Just as a baby step. I don't really know how I could pull that off though. Not to mention of course the general way trans people are treated in society. I live in a pretty decent area, but I'm not naive enough to think I wouldn't face any of that.
Not to mention, if I start and I find out I'm not and this is a phase or fetish or something, I'll have damaged my life and hurt people for literally no reason. I know the status quo won't make me miserable or anything. I've lived like this for long enough that I can get past it. I just feel like I might be missing out on a chance to be significantly happier. Not to mention I still feel feel like I'm downplaying what real trans people go through/have gone through. I'd like to think I'm not being disrespectful or anything but I'm really sorry if I have been, to all the trans people here. It was 100% not my intention. It's just been taking over my thoughts and I just need a place to share/vent.
I wouldn't dream of suggesting otherwise.As I frequently remind my son (who also totally exists): I am not in the habit of lying.
We have something like this at my work called "SimplyWell" but you have a year to get shit done and getting the points is stupid easy in most cases. Some things are "self reported" so I've been keeping a "food journal" that is updated irregularly. You know, like realistically, not completely made up or anything.My employer sends out a notice today that the company has partnered with "My Wellness" which is a dumb "optional" app that you can use to earn points by promising not to eat meat on Mondays, or to sign up for stop smoking programs, etc.
Oh, and if you don't use it and earn at least 100 points a week, a $30 "wellness premium" is deducted from your pay every week.
Fuck that, you better believe I'm complaining to hr about this.
His beard isn't.turns out @PatrThom and his entire family was just one giant mass hallucination.
Twilight Zone, I'm telling ya...turns out @PatrThom and his entire family was just one giant mass hallucination.
Then who was I playing Diablo with?!
Yay, a real person, my favourite kind!Hi, person who totally exists. Welcome!
This is such bs. Your nutrition and general wellness are none of their business. It is probably illegal for them to require this sort of stuff, HIPAA & ADA would make it dodgy for them to even ask for health info in the first place.My employer sends out a notice today that the company has partnered with "My Wellness" which is a dumb "optional" app that you can use to earn points by promising not to eat meat on Mondays, or to sign up for stop smoking programs, etc.
Oh, and if you don't use it and earn at least 100 points a week, a $30 "wellness premium" is deducted from your pay every week.
Fuck that, you better believe I'm complaining to hr about this.
The gall of that thingSo think I might be having gallbladder issues. Had a second night of writhing agony that lasted a couple of hours. Made a doctor's appointment now. Hoping to get to the bottom of this.
Uh boy. Mr. Z just went through that last year. He figured he could ride out the pain for months, and the end result was emergency surgery. Please don't be him: get checked up right away and often.So think I might be having gallbladder issues. Had a second night of writhing agony that lasted a couple of hours. Made a doctor's appointment now. Hoping to get to the bottom of this.
Site costs is like $22 a month. That's nothing. I got Halforums money.If you stop paying for the forum and actually let us do it through donations, it would probably be a good call, if that would save you money.![]()
Answered in a very rant-y PM.Your wife has no health insurance?!
Is she in good health?
I'm sorry Dave, this situation sucks. I mean, I don't know what the situation is with your wife and your son, and I'm not going to pry, but it's wrong to make one person do the "heavy lifting", especially if finances are tight. The last time I witnessed a situation where the full-timed employed spouse took a second job because the underemployed/unemployed spouse refused to do so, it ended in divorce.I'm looking for a part time job. I need to start making about $200-300 more a month because I need a new car. And since the wife absolutely refuses to quit her part time job and get a full time job (and because the son is still unemployed) I guess it's up to me. Again. My choices are basically these.
My boss does the plasma thing two to three times a week and he just uses the time to watch Netflix on his phone. Frankly it's probably the easiest thing I can do but of course the real solution would be my wife gets a fucking full time job. If anything happens to her physically where she needs to go to the doctor we're fucked as she has no insurance.
- Start promoting my entertainment company again and market myself, gaining inconsistent income and traveling a lot.
- Good: The stuff is already set up and I already own the gear. I'd only need one gig a month to make the goal.
- Bad: I fucking HATE booking gigs. Income is inconsistent and I can't plan on anything. When I do get gigs they are out of town and ruin my entire weekend.
- Get a part-time job.
- Good: Would be very easy to get a part time job that fits my hours. Consistent income.
- Bad: Would take up most night, probably some weekends. No more free time. No more streaming.
- Make more money streaming.
- Good: Would be something I'm already doing.
- Bad: Yeah, the chances I'd make the $200-300 a month doing this is almost nil. I'd be just as likely to get a basketball scholarship.
- Turn ads back on here.
- Good: Nothing.
- Bad: Everything. Not going to do it.
- Donate Plasma.
- Good: Make as much as I want and when I want. Low effort money.
- Bad: Have to take a couple hours out of my week to do it. Have to get there REAL early as there is only a certain number of people who can donate in a day.
All this for a measly $200-300 a month.
This is the same reason my wife does not work. She could get a job paying 25k/yr and then we could hire a sitter for 25k/yr, or she could just stay home for 0k/yr.I don't work because I don't have to, and it makes taking care of my son easier
My issue is less a sitter and more someone to allow my son to have a more flexible school schedule.This is the same reason my wife does not work. She could get a job paying 25k/yr and then we could hire a sitter for 25k/yr, or she could just stay home for 0k/yr.