I definitely don't think Biden = Trump, I just think some of us were wishing we could move farther towards real progressive change, and get frustrated when we just seem to either lean farther towards fascist tendencies or just rubberband back to the status quo. That was my biggest criticism of Obama, as I felt he made a lot of promises to improve peoples lives, and the best he got was a watered down Romneycare healthcare system that we still fight over to this day.
I wish to iterate that I used to be a Republican, believe it or not, back in the day. I went independent for a long time until we got stuck in the "Forever War" and basically got disenfranchised. I still don't prefer government to interfere too much in people's lives, but I do believe the one function the government, above all else, needs to handle is the welfare of it's citizens and those who seek asylum. I feel both the RNC and DNC give themselves too much to special interests, while the rest of the citizens suffer poverty, caused by stagnate wages, increased wage gap, etc. I think many of us saw Bernie as a change to the system away from those interests, and Biden instead embodies the same old thing.
In the end I would rather have the old status quo then the last four years of insanity, I just don't think we will see anything get fixed though. It feels like a band-aid on a gushing wound. It's better then bleeding out, but it's not going to last forever. The system needs to change, otherwise we might get someone worst then Trump someday.