Coronavirus Thread


Staff member
“This is why the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great.” - Dolt45

Trump can't seem to grasp the concept that people who previously tested negative can then have a positive test result later.

Either that, or he knows that the US is failing when it comes to testing, and wants to downplay that failure.

EDIT: Whoops, missed yesterday's comment. "So the media likes to say we have the most cases, but we do, by far, the most testing. If we did very little testing, we wouldn't have the most cases. So, in a way, by doing all of this testing, we make ourselves look bad,"

So, not only did he lie about the US doing the most testing, he's also completely undermining the concept of testing, just because his ego is hurt.
Our county's cases have risen by 30% last week and we locked down before a lot of places. Either that's because of more testing or a bunch of people have quit social distancing.

My sister's friend is a *credible* researcher, and is far too familiar with this crackpot's work. She has some ELI5-level rebuttals in the works.
Just saw a picture of a stealth bomber doing a low altitude flyover as a tribute to healthcare workers.

Maybe something other than a huge inky black symbol of fiery death next time guys?

Or you know, a raise.
Just saw a picture of a stealth bomber doing a low altitude flyover as a tribute to healthcare workers.

Maybe something other than a huge inky black symbol of fiery death next time guys?

Or you know, a raise.
"Nope, flying the bomber is cheaper, let's do that."
Even nuking from orbit may not be enough...
But... it's also transmitted through the air, right? So under what circumstances would a person be in contact with someone's semen but not the air...

Oh god basically it can be transmitted through glory holes?
...sort of?

At 1st i was going to say "Heh, of course it's Reagan!"

But then i actually read it and i saw it's just the regular boilerplate of informing patients of posible side effects, which is normal for any real medicine (pro tip: the stuff that doesn't have that is just snake oil).


Staff member
The people who are ignoring CDC guidelines are the same people who believe in personal freedoms. One of their favorite sayings is, "Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins." What they are NOT taking into account is that when they don't wear a mask they are swinging their fists everywhere and infringing on everyone else's rights indiscriminately.
The people who are ignoring CDC guidelines are the same people who believe in personal freedoms. One of their favorite sayings is, "Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins." What they are NOT taking into account is that when they don't wear a mask they are swinging their fists everywhere and infringing on everyone else's rights indiscriminately.
So you're saying that the same crowd who thinks the best way to stop a shooter from hurting anyone is to have a bunch of other shooters, you know...shooting, might not be considering the safety of innocent bystanders in their demands.

then i actually read it and i saw it's just the regular boilerplate of informing patients of posible side effects, which is normal for any real medicine (pro tip: the stuff that doesn't have that is just snake oil).
Well it's also the formal protection so a place that makes a medicine that saves twenty million people annually can't be sued for negligence or something over the eight people who die due to unexpected allergic reactions.

So as of now I'm on a 1 week on 2 weeks off schedule until September. This is wild. I would never have guessed they'd keep us this long.
There hasn't been any word on what's going on with us at MPS. I did get a phone call from my supervisor this morning - and I didn't recognize her at first.