I spoke with my lawyer and told him about the call. He said not to worry about it: Since she reached out to the police first and never even spoke to me about the incident, it's she who is going to come off as the one causing problems. I expected her to reach out to her lawyer to communicate the concern, but according to mine she hasn't yet either.My unprofessional opinion, from what you've shared here over the years, is that your ex wife is batshit crazy and manipulative. If you've spoken to a custody attorney in the past I'd give them a call and ask advice about how to counter this accusation, you can't just let it lie
I don't know quite what her game is, but I'm being mindful and calm about it. I'll let her do the overreacting for now. My lawyer has done nothing but do right for me, so I'll believe him when he says all is fine.