Every time this particular conversation comes up on Facebook, I feel compelled to put in my 2 cents.I thought you had two kids.
Also, yeah of course no doctor batted an eye at your request. You're a guy, you're allowed autonomy over your reproductive organs.
I remember you saying that before here, too, but I had to ignore that and hope and you didn't see this thread. I Ion't like facts getting in the way of aEvery time this particular conversation comes up on Facebook, I feel compelled to put in my 2 cents.
Which is: when I was under 25 and had less than 2 kids, no doctor would do it for me, either.
Walk the plank, Gruebeard.I remember you saying that before here, too, but I had to ignore that and hope and you didn't see this thread. I Ion't like facts getting in the way of agoodjoke
Zach is not mine biologically. I've since adopted him, but I've only had one biological child.I thought you had two kids.
Also, yeah of course no doctor batted an eye at your request. You're a guy, you're allowed autonomy over your reproductive organs.
Checking the hospitals that medical tourists use may be a decent way to get it done. E.g. here's 5 in BelgiumI haven't found a doctor willing to snip me, either, being thirty-something without kids. "You might regret it later" or "you might change your mind" is what they say.
To paraphrase The Princess Bride:Lol these are good. Last time I was on tinder a pansexual girl changed her profile to say she doesn't talk to men after I said "Hey girl, what are you interested in?" Then I followed that up with "Lol" and she changed it to say cis men. Then just sat there until I unmatched her three days later