BananaHands' Terrifying and Terrific Tinder Thread!

I started with a subtle joke about how women are treated as babymakers by society. I'm starting to think I was too subtle.
I thought you had two kids.

Also, yeah of course no doctor batted an eye at your request. You're a guy, you're allowed autonomy over your reproductive organs.
Every time this particular conversation comes up on Facebook, I feel compelled to put in my 2 cents.
Which is: when I was under 25 and had less than 2 kids, no doctor would do it for me, either.
I know that female friends of mine who wanted tubal litigation were told that they couldn't have one because "their future husband might want children." Yeah, they were giving a hypothetical guy they hadn't met yet more say over her reproductive organs than her.
Every time this particular conversation comes up on Facebook, I feel compelled to put in my 2 cents.
Which is: when I was under 25 and had less than 2 kids, no doctor would do it for me, either.
I remember you saying that before here, too, but I had to ignore that and hope and you didn't see this thread. I Ion't like facts getting in the way of a good joke
I haven't found a doctor willing to snip me, either, being thirty-something without kids. "You might regret it later" or "you might change your mind" is what they say.
Lol these are good. Last time I was on tinder a pansexual girl changed her profile to say she doesn't talk to men after I said "Hey girl, what are you interested in?" Then I followed that up with "Lol" and she changed it to say cis men. Then just sat there until I unmatched her three days later
Lol these are good. Last time I was on tinder a pansexual girl changed her profile to say she doesn't talk to men after I said "Hey girl, what are you interested in?" Then I followed that up with "Lol" and she changed it to say cis men. Then just sat there until I unmatched her three days later
To paraphrase The Princess Bride:

"I'm a pansexual!"
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."