I believe a good part of my acquaintance hiring my niece had to do with my mom. While she is a bit racist she always stood up for my brothers, myself and our friends. The mortgage mom and dad signed said not to sell the house to blacks, she always defended our black friends from our neighbors. So on Friday mornings before the home games she had all the seniors over to the house to make sure they had a good breakfast. Some of the neighbors complained to her that there were blacks in the group that came over... she told them to fuck the right off. She also fed the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at our home too to the same welcome of the neighbors.A guy I played football with nearly 30 years ago just hired my niece for a competitive secretaries position. I only talked to him once since high school. I do not know how to thank him with out making her hiring look like nepotism. He knew she was my niece months ago with out her going up for his admins positions months later.
I think the gringo breakfast tacos and my mom's strength rubbed off on my friend that hired my niece, to give her the first break that she needs.