Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I was at lunch with my DSA friends and that's exactly what we talked about and what should happen. Kudos to the people for getting it done.
Trump proved that doesn’t have to be the case.

But as others have pointed out, Fox News was running ads for tonight’s show just this morning so this clearly wasn’t planned.
I'd like to think it was about more than just a pay dispute.

I'd like to think it was about more than a horrifying sex scandal that is about to blow up and Fox is covering their ass.

But those are the only two things that spring to mind.
In a more serious answer, CNN just fired Don Lemon which the timing could just be so it’s hidden behind the Tucker Carlson news, but it could also be related…
And Don Lemon might be due to some on air sexist comments about a conservative politician (I've lost where I saw this, forgive me for the lack for details) back in February. Lemon found out through his agent.
The Fox News agenda, like any corporation, is to make money. This is the reason they cater to Republican causes because they often have the deepest pockets willing to spend on stupid shit rather than philanthropic endeavors.

They liked Tucker when he was making them lots of money. They don't like Tucker when his rhetoric causes them to settle a lawsuit for over 700 million dollars. This is the same reason they cut Bill O'Reilly, the previous pundit golden boy, he was losing them money in lawsuits.

I think that, combined with upcoming Systemantic lawsuit and his recent video about how we should invade Canada and Mexico to liberate them, was finally just too much for the Fox lawyers to handle.