Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!


Staff member
Or what are you feeding the dog?
Well, come to think of it, last night, the Boy was trying to make himself something to eat and he accidentally dropped an entire package of frozen burritos on the kitchen floor. Unbeknownst to him, one went under the stove. The dog was able to dig it out a few hours later and had a feast...

But I don't think that is the key here. Usually the dog is just getting Taste of the Wild dogfood. Which, granted, is a couple notches above regular dog food.
But I don't think that is the key here. Usually the dog is just getting Taste of the Wild dogfood. Which, granted, is a couple notches above regular dog food.
I used to feed Taste of the Wild to my dog. Then my vet told me to stop, because grain-free diets have been strongly linked to early heart disease in dogs.

Long story short, dog food makers are using peas in place of grains. Peas are fine for dogs in small amounts, but when used in large amounts (as a binder) it causes heart disease. And almost every grain-free diet uses peas.

So you may want to consider switching up your dog food.


Staff member
I used to feed Taste of the Wild to my dog. Then my vet told me to stop, because grain-free diets have been strongly linked to early heart disease in dogs.

Long story short, dog food makers are using peas in place of grains. Peas are fine for dogs in small amounts, but when used in large amounts (as a binder) it causes heart disease. And almost every grain-free diet uses peas.

So you may want to consider switching up your dog food.
Hmm, I will bring that up with the GF... but I have a feeling she may resist since she's been feeding ToTW to Schatzi (the dog) since forever, and she's 10 years old, which is pretty impressive for a German Shepherd really.
I can empathize with Gas somewhat, because I've had trouble distinguishing between the scent of coffee and the scent of bacon.

Specifically, there was this hot girl at my graduate institute who drank tons of coffee, so she had the smell of coffee on her at pretty much all times (on her clothes, on her breath when she talked, etc). But at first I didn't recognize the scent as coffee and I thought it was bacon, and I was very curious about why this girl always smelled like bacon.
I can empathize with Gas somewhat, because I've had trouble distinguishing between the scent of coffee and the scent of bacon.

Specifically, there was this hot girl at my graduate institute who drank tons of coffee, so she had the smell of coffee on her at pretty much all times (on her clothes, on her breath when she talked, etc). But at first I didn't recognize the scent as coffee and I thought it was bacon, and I was very curious about why this girl always smelled like bacon.
I love the smell of coffee. I do not love the smell of coffee breath.
Car went in for routine maintenance and replacing a small part of the bottom plate that had gotten damaged. Airco was also not quite working as it should.
Cost: €820
Estimate for repair of the airco: €2000
This is a 12 year old car with 200K kms! That's practically more than the value of the car itself! G*ddammit.


Staff member
Soooo, we've been trying to figure out when a good time to let her mom know she's moved in with me, and we're "living in sin" (and basically have been for months).

She got a call from her brother tonight, apparently her mom was in 3rd stage kidney failure, which led to a huge spike in blood pressure, which led to an aneurysm in her eye.

Now's probably not the time to break the news, I'm thinking.
Rewatched Inside Out last night and went to see Inside Out 2 this afternoon.

Maybe it's due to my years of seeing different therapists, but hoo boy, these movies open up a lot of self-reflection and introspection in me.

After seeing Inside Out back in the day, I considered doing a writing exercise, describing each of my own internal islands.

Now Inside Out 2 has me wondering what my own "Sense of Self" tree looks like, and...it's not a positive picture for me.
I haven't seen inside out 2 yet, nor heard much about it after the original outcry that it's all crap and would go against the first one etc. Is it actually good? Considering where I heard the reactions it wouldn't surprise me if it was great, just wondering
I haven't seen inside out 2 yet, nor heard much about it after the original outcry that it's all crap and would go against the first one etc. Is it actually good? Considering where I heard the reactions it wouldn't surprise me if it was great, just wondering
I honestly don't know how it goes against the first one. It's an extension of the first. And having watched them basically back-to-back, I can comfortably say the sequel continues on the story almost exactly where the first one ended.

Structurally, it's very similar to the first one (spoilers, just in case):
-Inciting incident or comment brings about new untapped emotions.
-Infighting and drama among said emotions.
-Exploration of the subconscious levels of Riley's mind, much of which pays off in the finale.
-Trials and tribulations to get back to the control center while "negative" emotions run wild, making things worse.
-Cascade effect of bad decisions and emotions leading to a complete breakdown (the first one explored depression, this one explores anxiety)
-Emotional breaking point leads to a generally positive epiphany for Riley and all the emotions.
-Eventual acceptance of new emotions, leading to harmony and exploring new emotions and ideas.

I'd have to watch them both again to really decide, but I think it's about equal with the first one. They're such great explorations of emotions. I know the first one involved a lot of research and interviewing psychologists. This feels like more of that. It's especially interesting to see which emotions speak and how they play a role in the story, because it then informs Riley's actions in the real world. But it's also interesting to see how the react within her subconscious, because I can imagine similar thoughts and emotions running through my head at certain times.
I just learned my ex is dating someone new. We broke up back in February, largely because I was emotionally unavailable for what she needed. I didn't want to get back together (and we haven't even spoken to each other in months), but it still hurts. I don't know why. I want them to be happy. I genuinely hope it works out for them, but...it still hurts.

Meanwhile, I've had zero luck with dating apps and am of the mindset that I will die alone.
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Some of the wife’s family are here for dinner. I get along well with her sister and brother-in-law. They appreciate good food and I made some top sirloin steaks. But what do the niece and nephew want to eat? Goddamned chicken tenders and fries. That is apparently all they like to eat now or else they start screaming.

So their Dad is making a special trip to McDonald’s for them. And the steaks are getting cold.
I wish. These were the kind of steaks that need to simmer in wine and a spice combination that I grind myself with a mortar and pestle.

I really don’t see why parents cave to their kids like that. When I was a kid, I ate what my parents ate or I didn’t eat.


Staff member
Good lord are 19 year olds dumb.

And I don't just mean ignorant... I mean... situations where you HAVE all the information, and the decision making process could only be charitably called "wishful thinking."
So, the 19yo's father has been visiting him. My GF's first ex husband.

The guy's a bum. He has no job, no money, 19yo spent his own money to fly him out here and put him in a hotel, so that he could attend one of the 19yo's MMA matches. The match got postponed, but nobody made any arrangements to prolong the hotel stay. So we had to try to scramble to do that today (I say "we" because I had to step in to handle it and pay for it), to prevent the poor guy from basically having to sleep in a car for the next 3 nights (not a pleasant prospect in TX in June). Basically, because George Strait is playing here at Kyle Field tomorrow night, the hotels are all booked up. They start at triple list price per night and go UP from there. I loaned the 19yo the money to get his dad into a cut rate motel tonight because we were in a rush (just throw another $150 on the $6000 pile of money he owes me that I'll probably never see again), figuring that'd give us some breathing room to find other accommodations for the next two nights, but nope....

So it looks like we are going to be having my GF's ex stay on the couch for the two nights after that. This is gonna be awwwwkward at best.
So, the 19yo's father has been visiting him. My GF's first ex husband.

The guy's a bum. He has no job, no money, 19yo spent his own money to fly him out here and put him in a hotel, so that he could attend one of the 19yo's MMA matches. The match got postponed, but nobody made any arrangements to prolong the hotel stay. So we had to try to scramble to do that today (I say "we" because I had to step in to handle it and pay for it), to prevent the poor guy from basically having to sleep in a car for the next 3 nights (not a pleasant prospect in TX in June). Basically, because George Strait is playing here at Kyle Field tomorrow night, the hotels are all booked up. They start at triple list price per night and go UP from there. I loaned the 19yo the money to get his dad into a cut rate motel tonight because we were in a rush (just throw another $150 on the $6000 pile of money he owes me that I'll probably never see again), figuring that'd give us some breathing room to find other accommodations for the next two nights, but nope....

So it looks like we are going to be having my GF's ex stay on the couch for the two nights after that. This is gonna be awwwwkward at best.
I don't know why, but my intuition (or the old "NICktuition") is screaming not to trust this guy. Not that I think anyone is in danger, or that he'll suddenly hook up with your girlfriend. But...well, I'd keep a close eye on him.


Staff member
I don't know why, but my intuition (or the old "NICktuition") is screaming not to trust this guy. Not that I think anyone is in danger, or that he'll suddenly hook up with your girlfriend. But...well, I'd keep a close eye on him.
Oh, no worries about that, they can barely stand each other. I don't think he'll be a problem, but it will be an awkward few nights to be sure.
I wish. These were the kind of steaks that need to simmer in wine and a spice combination that I grind myself with a mortar and pestle.

I really don’t see why parents cave to their kids like that. When I was a kid, I ate what my parents ate or I didn’t eat.
While it may have been better planning for them to ask you what was for dinner and maybe bring something for the kids beforehand if they knew they wouldn't eat it, this really doesn't seem all that odd to me. Depending on how old the children are, I really wouldn't expect them to eat (what I assume is going to be rare) steak in a wine reduction. That's just not something a child is going to find appetizing.
They told me after that they hadn’t thought far enough ahead. At least the kids enjoyed the ice cream and cheesecake that we had for dessert.