I am back from Bulgaria. Durres is such a nice small city with pretty beaches and good restaurants. Prices were very affordable too.
Spent most of the day lying on the beach and swimming. Will visit again for sure. Loved sitting on some stone steps in the late afternoon, drinking a beer and watching the sun go down.
I was eating fried rice for lunch today at work and I accidentally dropped a spoonful of rice onto my computer keyboard, and a lot of grains of rice were sort of stuck between keys, and I didn't have any means of picking out the individual grains without risking pushing them further into the gap, so I figured I'd just suck them out with my mouth one by one, and so that's why a hot female coworker who happened to walk by my desk at this point saw me apparently behaving very romantically with my keyboard.
Any filth in this keyboard would most likely have originated from my hands, and I'm perfectly ok putting my hands in my mouth, so I figured it's fine.
This… this… is gross. whatever is on the keyboard may have had a last carrier of your hands, but it’s also from whatever your hands have touched that others have touched. Microwave, tabletops, rails, elevator buttons… so when we hear of some new disease we’ll know just who started it this time.
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Staff member
You guys, apparently the tiktok meme of the moment is a girl demonstrating how to hock a loogie on a boner.

TIL I had to learn to square dance in grade school because Henry Ford thought Jazz was a nefarious Jewish plot to corrupt America.

I remember reading this article a while back, and it blew my mind, mainly because we had a line dancing/square dancing quarter in high school, and we could never figure out why. Well, I mean it sort-of made sense, because it was in the winter when we couldn't go outside, and it would be offered along with volleyball, basketball, and weigh lifting. But nobody took it seriously.
TIL I had to learn to square dance in grade school because Henry Ford thought Jazz was a nefarious Jewish plot to corrupt America.

We learned dance in PE class in high school, and it included square dancing, and I don't remember any of it. Like, I remember we did square dancing, but I currently have no clue how to square dance.

What I do remember clearly, however, is when we learned the jitterbug, and the PE teacher told us to pair up with someone, and as a short, fat, and ugly kid I couldn't find anyone to pair up with, until this girl named Erica apparently took pity on me and asked me to dance with her. I don't remember anything about how to dance the jitterbug, but I do remember Erica.
I remember reading this article a while back, and it blew my mind, mainly because we had a line dancing/square dancing quarter in high school, and we could never figure out why. Well, I mean it sort-of made sense, because it was in the winter when we couldn't go outside, and it would be offered along with volleyball, basketball, and weigh lifting. But nobody took it seriously.
We did square dancing in junior high up here too for some reason. And it was exactly as described. Extreme awkward embarrassment.
I swear, I don't know which customers are less reasonable or more argumentative: French people or Newfoundlanders. They're seriously the worst, most entitled customers I get on a regular basis.


Staff member
When I tell people my new manager is dumb as a bag of hammers it’s difficult to give a concrete example. Today I got one.

One of the guys in the control room was talking about how he locked his keys in his car and how he had to crawl through the back hatch. So I told the joke that I locked my keys in my car and it took me 1/2 hour to get my wife out. Cue laughter.

Then my manager starts talking.

“Was she okay? Was the door jammed? Why didn’t you break a window?”

I told her it’s a joke and didn’t really happen. Her response?

“Is your wife not very smart? I mean, she could have opened one of the rear doors.”

Meanwhile we are rolling with laughter. She left not too long after that and we’re all convinced she still thought it really happened.
When I tell people my new manager is dumb as a bag of hammers it’s difficult to give a concrete example. Today I got one.

One of the guys in the control room was talking about how he locked his keys in his car and how he had to crawl through the back hatch. So I told the joke that I locked my keys in my car and it took me 1/2 hour to get my wife out. Cue laughter.

Then my manager starts talking.

“Was she okay? Was the door jammed? Why didn’t you break a window?”

I told her it’s a joke and didn’t really happen. Her response?

“Is your wife not very smart? I mean, she could have opened one of the rear doors.”

Meanwhile we are rolling with laughter. She left not too long after that and we’re all convinced she still thought it really happened.
But is your wife ok?