The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

My sister-in-law is ever so grateful that I share my Disney+ account with her. The niece and nephew (2 and 3 years old, respectively) are obsessed with Moana and Encanto and watch them repeatedly every day. If VHS were still a thing the tapes would have worn down to nothing by now. They've only recently begun to change it up with Frozen and Coco. I'm sure they'll have Moana 2 playing on endless loop once this becomes available for streaming.
At my sister's house for a while Moana was known as the crab movie because my nephew loved SHIN-EH!


Staff member
Disney retconned a character's history for The Acolyte. Wookiepedia changed that character's entry to reflect the show's canon, and now Wookiepedia editors are receiving death threats from "fans" who think that the new show shouldn't be canon.
I think it's Ki Adi Mundi but most people talking about this seem more intent on being outraged than being informative.
Oh. I didn't think people cared about Ki Adi-Mundi enough to get their panties in a twist, but I guess that's Star Wars fans for you.

(And yes, I am self-aware enough to say that I am being hypocritical right now given that I have been known to suffer from severe panty-twisty-itis regarding retcons.)


Staff member
Oh. I didn't think people cared about Ki Adi-Mundi enough to get their panties in a twist, but I guess that's Star Wars fans for you.

(And yes, I am self-aware enough to say that I am being hypocritical right now given that I have been known to suffer from severe panty-twisty-itis regarding retcons.)
I suspect it's less about the specific character, and more about the perception that Disney chose to ignore the expanded universe. "If it can happen to giant-forhead-man it can happen to anyone! They turned him into a villain who lied about something or other! They'll change your favorite character next!"
The only fandom worse than Lord of the Rings is Star Wars. No wonder they got beaten up at school.
Any fandom can show their horrible side. Just look at the Transformers fandom where people hate stuff because of scaling of the toys or being not the one specific car model because of licencing.
I suspect it's less about the specific character, and more about the perception that Disney chose to ignore the expanded universe. "If it can happen to giant-forhead-man it can happen to anyone! They turned him into a villain who lied about something or other! They'll change your favorite character next!"
I would say they're actually just looking for reasons to hate the acolyte, because they're angry that it doesn't star any white men.


Staff member
I would say they're actually just looking for reasons to hate the acolyte, because they're angry that it doesn't star any white men.
That, too. They're also complaining about LGBTQ+ stuff, but I honestly can't tell if it's just because of Pride Month, or if there's actually representation in the show. I'm only one episode in.
I think some of the Star Wars "fans" need to remember that Disney owns the property and is just going to do whatever they want with it and have already stated that there is a "new canon" that conforms to the media THEY put out and not to what writers 3 years ago did.

Also, that they should shut the fuck up in general and touch some fucking grass because they are threatening people uninvolved in the lore decisions.
Also, that they should shut the fuck up in general and touch some fucking grass because they are threatening people uninvolved in the lore decisions.
I picture them as pasty, lonely shut-ins who haven’t eaten a balanced meal in months. They were Star Wars fans before geeky stuff became cool, resulting in endless torment from their peers. Their school days experience filled with traumatic bullying has made them afraid to leave the house. They kinda look like Gollum.

Sending out death threats and screaming about wokeism gives them a sense of power.
I picture them as pasty, lonely shut-ins who haven’t eaten a balanced meal in months. They were Star Wars fans before geeky stuff became cool, resulting in endless torment from their peers. Their school days experience filled with traumatic bullying has made them afraid to leave the house. They kinda look like Gollum.

Sending out death threats and screaming about wokeism gives them a sense of power.
They're probably more likely Ben Shapiro types that have Andrew Tate posters on their walls.
They're probably more likely Ben Shapiro types that have Andrew Tate posters on their walls.
No, Ironbrig has it right. They are a scary bunch when they get out of their cave. I’ve been a fan since I saw Star Wars in a drive in in 1977, I didn’t see SW:ANH in a theater until the special editions came out in 1997. I’ve seen tons of these people at the conventions (I actually worked at Celebration 2 in Indianapolis in 2002, it’s when I was able to meet Carrie Fisher) and you could tell with just a glance which attendees you could talk to and then he ones that you only said short polite things to. None of the current “outrage” is something I’m interested in, I liked some things with expanded universe, but honestly most of it was at the level of the prequels, Lucas just wanting to make money and nobody willing to tell him no.
I think there are two truths here. You have the sexist pigs who don’t like seeing a girl in their clubhouse. AND you have the OCD dweebs who freak out at the slightest deviation.
Man, you guys are making some really wonky assumptions here...

I hate the Acolyte because simply it has terrible writing, terrible characters and hilariously bad lore. Not because there's no white men, not because I "don't like women in leading roles", hell not even because of the stuff that most people are getting outraged by. I'm pretty sure a script generated by an AI with some editing could create a much more compelling story with better characters.

Pasty lonely shut ins with Andrew Tate posters on their walls indeed.
I don't think anyone has even suggested that they're assuming that everyone who dislikes the show falls into that one bucket, right?
I had to go back and read everything but you are probably right...

I'm just bummed about Star Wars being so... blah lately.
Man, you guys are making some really wonky assumptions here...

I hate the Acolyte because simply it has terrible writing, terrible characters and hilariously bad lore. Not because there's no white men, not because I "don't like women in leading roles", hell not even because of the stuff that most people are getting outraged by. I'm pretty sure a script generated by an AI with some editing could create a much more compelling story with better characters.

Pasty lonely shut ins with Andrew Tate posters on their walls indeed.
The quality of the show is kinda meh. I stopped watching it after episode 3, it had some good ideas but didn't execute on them well.

But the backlash against the show started long before it even aired the first episode. There are definitely chuds out there jacking off to fresh and fit podcasts who started yelling go woke go broke before the first episode ever dropped. I don't expect any of those people to frequent this forum.
I've been watching it and, I don't know, I'm enjoying it well enough. The dialogue isn't great, but I'm mildly intrigued by the story. The episode that was one big flashback was dull and felt unnecessary, but the last two episodes introducing the Sith villain has made things more interesting.

Plus, the last episode so far had some top notch lightsaber fights.

I certainly won't defend it as the best Star Wars thing ever, but it's okay. I find I'm more invested in it than I was with Obi-Wan, which I keep forgetting existed at all.
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Staff member
But the backlash against the show started long before it even aired the first episode. There are definitely chuds out there jacking off to fresh and fit podcasts who started yelling go woke go broke before the first episode ever dropped. I don't expect any of those people to frequent this forum.
The manufactured outrage is kinda wild:
The right makes up nightmares that are fucking awesome _ fake Star Wars rage.jpg
I’ve been enjoying The Acolyte. Ep 5 fight scenes were well worth whatever came before it.

What’s frustrating is I have to keep reminding my nephew to watch the shows and form your own opinion before latching on to these shitty online “reviews”. He wasn’t going to watch it because of them until I talked him into it. Now he admits it’s not as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be.

I’m not saying it’s the greatest show ever, but it’s watchable, and fun.
I’ve been enjoying The Acolyte. Ep 5 fight scenes were well worth whatever came before it.

What’s frustrating is I have to keep reminding my nephew to watch the shows and form your own opinion before latching on to these shitty online “reviews”. He wasn’t going to watch it because of them until I talked him into it. Now he admits it’s not as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be.

I’m not saying it’s the greatest show ever, but it’s watchable, and fun.
That's really it. There's nothing wrong with something being just okay.

I put it just a hair below, say, the Willow show. It's nothing great, but it's not outright terrible. It's perfectly acceptable entertainment.
My take on episode 5 of the Acolyte. They finally started trying and honestly there is some stuff that the super nerd in me appreciates in there (nod to cortosis ore... that's a neat tidbit from the expanded universe/Legends). Choreography was pretty good in places, but I couldn't care less about any of the characters so ultimately it fell pretty flat. This series could have been solid but the writing and story is so bad... I don't know where they find these people.

Teh funniest thing is that some idiots actually went and review bombed the wrong title on RT:
This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. People can be idiots...
End credits scene.

Frozone calls ahead from the shadows and says "We've been watching you and your family for a long time Mr.Incredible." and then Bob goes "We've known each other for 35 years Lucius, why are you calling me Mr. Incredible?" Then Frozone walks out from behind Bob and places a hand on his shoulder. Bob looks back towards the shadows and Pixar Fury steps into the light.
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I remember being so excited for Incredibles 2 when it was announced. And it turned out...okay. I liked it, but didn't love it like the first one. Structurally, it felt like a gender-flipped re-tread of the first one. Not bad, but I was hoping for something a little more original.

Hopefully we'll get that from this new one
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Since they announced the main cast, a bunch of middle-aged white men have been raging against the idea of a biracial girl playing Snow White. These are the same weirdos who bitched about a black Ariel.