The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

Physical releases coming soon for Loki Season 1, Mandalorian Seasons 1&2, and WandaVision.

Finally. And Prey is also getting a physical release about the same time.

Good to see Disney finally doing some physical releases of their digital-only content.

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Wasn't sure if this should go in the MCU thread or here, but:

Disney+ is re-releasing Werewolf by Night in Color

While I think this might help the show get some new eyeballs, I don't think it's going to be improved.
This is 100% because everyone is on strike. They can't do much else but release content that's already been filmed until long after it's over. I suspect they had other things in mind.
Wasn't sure if this should go in the MCU thread or here, but:

Disney+ is re-releasing Werewolf by Night in Color

While I think this might help the show get some new eyeballs, I don't think it's going to be improved.
Yeah, they're getting desperate to post new content. It's dumb and kills half the fun of the original. Hopefully people who are against watching anything in black and white will finally check it out, because it was a lot of fun. But I hope they keep the original black & white version still available.
So that will change nothing for people in Canada and Europe I guess? Disney+ already had the Hulu stuff over here.

Except maybe a upcharge of the monthly fee.
But would non Disney owned stations put their programming on Disney plus? Would Hulu even be worth buying without the ability to watch newish tvshows?


Staff member
IMO Hulu has never been worth buying to begin with, but not everybody's me or has access to my methods, I guess...


Staff member
Wasn't sure if this should go in the MCU thread or here, but:

Disney+ is re-releasing Werewolf by Night in Color

While I think this might help the show get some new eyeballs, I don't think it's going to be improved.
I watched it, and I was absolutely right: B&W is better, and color makes most scenes actively worse.. If anyone is going to watch Werewolf by Night, and it's a damn good show, they should watch the B&W version. The color feels like turning on the lights in a haunted house. It's not filmed to be in color. The scenes aren't composed for it, the shots are lit for it.

EDIT: Removed comments about the ending scene, that was always in color. I just forgot.
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Staff member
I think Star Wars stories are better when Jedi aren't involved. However, that's just on average, so it'll be interesting to see if this can tell a good story about force users.
I mean, if you need to replace Jonathan Majors you could do a helluva of a lot worse. He’s got a VERY different energy, but he can still menacing as all hell. And he still has charisma while doing it.
I feel like Doom is a little more over-the-top. "Subtlety" isn't in Doom's vocabulary. Giancarlo, at least to me, has a sneak-up-on-you kinda of menace. You don't realize how much trouble you're in until it's too late.
Sometimes. Doom speaks in bold and caps-lock.
Kang is the guy that made himself pharaoh in ancient Egypt, split himself from his former future self, was the Iron Man in New Avengers etc.

Meanwhile, all the ones you're thinking of where Doombots, Doom never loses his cool, no matter what that buffoon Richards tells you...
My sister-in-law is ever so grateful that I share my Disney+ account with her. The niece and nephew (2 and 3 years old, respectively) are obsessed with Moana and Encanto and watch them repeatedly every day. If VHS were still a thing the tapes would have worn down to nothing by now. They've only recently begun to change it up with Frozen and Coco. I'm sure they'll have Moana 2 playing on endless loop once this becomes available for streaming.