[Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

There's a big difference between knowing going in that most of the characters will die and having seen exactly who and how in the trailer. Not a lot of tension left if you're just waiting to see the buildup to all of the payoffs you've already seen.

Also, I only just realized that Awkwafina is not the one voicing Anxiety. I don't know why I thought she was, maybe it's because she was basically in everything for a while? And Anxiety seems like the kind of character she'd voice?

Also, I only just realized that Awkwafina is not the one voicing Anxiety. I don't know why I thought she was, maybe it's because she was basically in everything for a while? And Anxiety seems like the kind of character she'd voice?
Nostalgia as a dotting old lady with literal rose colored glasses is brilliant.

Inside Out is my favorite Pixar movie so I'm really looking forward to this.
I briefly had that thought, but Elle never lied about her credentials.
True, but it does seem to be retreading the completely-unqualified-person-is-selected-for-prestigious-role-because-someone-wanted-more-diversity-and-is-a-complete-fish-out-of-water-but-ultimately-perseveres-because-she's-awesome-like-that ground.
Why does it feel like I've seen that movie before somehow?
Because Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. have made this movie over and over. The details change, of course, but they all are formulaic and bland to a fault. This trailer is so loaded with lazy, shitty tropes that we could probably predict the entire plot, beat by beat, without seeing the actual film.
Because Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. have made this movie over and over. The details change, of course, but they all are formulaic and bland to a fault. This trailer is so loaded with lazy, shitty tropes that we could probably predict the entire plot, beat by beat, without seeing the actual film.
And yet that’s all the reasons I’m there for it.
(Theatrical release, November 15)

I don't know if this will be good, but I like the concept. It seems like a neat experiment for a film to try.

(Theatrical release, November 15)

I don't know if this will be good, but I like the concept. It seems like a neat experiment for a film to try.

This does look interesting. Since the camera doesn't move the quality of the film will likely strongly hinge on the actors' performances, but I have faith that Tom Hanks and Robin Wright have what it takes to pull it off. Maybe it'll feel more like a play on stage at times?

Also, I wonder if anyone's going to comment, "Man, we sure do have a lot of important conversations in this corner of the living room."