Funny (political, religious) pictures

It's probably just an issue with the camera or the photo... but why does that flag look like it was drawn in MS Paint?
Probably an artifact of rolling shutter or compression, since it looks fine in this article featuring who appears to be the dude closest to the camera:

It's probably just an issue with the camera or the photo... but why does that flag look like it was drawn in MS Paint?
Since the swastika appears to be backwards, I'm going to say that's the back of the flag and you're seeing the front side show through

I saw someone post this in response to JD Vance talking about adult conversion to Catholicism. As someone who grew up in a very Catholic area, truth.
View attachment 48894

I saw someone post this in response to JD Vance talking about adult conversion to Catholicism. As someone who grew up in a very Catholic area, truth.
In general, I find there is no one more... embedded? dogmatic? than an adult convert to pretty much anything. Religion, political affiliation, or citizenship all seem to have this trait.

And I say this as a young adult convert to Christianity. I know there's some shit in my faith that I am... pretty entrenched about (mostly social justice-y things), but there's also some "traditional" things (around ritual and language) that I couldn't care less about. So, YMMV.
In general, I find there is no one more... embedded? dogmatic? than an adult convert to pretty much anything. Religion, political affiliation, or citizenship all seem to have this trait.
The old phrase “No zealot like a convert” exists for a reason.
I have a friend of a friend who's a hardcore adult conversion pentacostal or something like that and her husband's mother just died and she was Catholic so they're setting up a Catholic service and her snark at the differences between Catholicism, even talking about snarking to the priest's face directly about baptism. Fuck. Fuck off. It's the only time I become a lifelong Catholic is when some fucking protestant starts being shitty about it. When they say that Catholics aren't Christians I literally want to sock their snake-handling asses directly and I'm as atheist as it gets. My experiences with lifelong Catholics and non-Catholics Christians is we have just a smidge more self-loathing and less confidence, which in my opinion is nothing but a good thing when it comes to Religion.
This was the illustration attached to an article in this month's Christianity Today, an extremely conservative religious publication that was founded by Billy Graham, to give a general idea of how far right it typically is...


EDIT: The article itself was addressing how far Christianity has strayed from it's message by following Trump, and how it's gone so far off the cliff now that the word "evangelical" is effectively poison.
It looks like the Republicans have coming up with a new strategy...

"...She will also simultaneously be the youngest woman ever elected to the position, which would be illegal double-dipping because double jeopardy says you can't be elected twice to the same term. At a minimum, it should count as both of her two eligible terms which would mean she would be prohibited from running again in 2028."

View attachment 48953

"...She will also simultaneously be the youngest woman ever elected to the position, which would be illegal double-dipping because double jeopardy says you can't be elected twice to the same term. At a minimum, it should count as both of her two eligible terms which would mean she would be prohibited from running again in 2028."

I suspect they mean of all the elected female presidents in the world? In which case, so what? So they get to discount all other titles of rulers to fit a narrative. Big surprise.