Funny (political, religious) pictures

Also, Masculinity So Fragile that you can't vote for a woman.
I like how he decided to preface it with "...scientists say...," presumably because his rationale is, "(I know how to get to) Those Libs. They worship Science so much that they'll believe anything if you say it came from a scientist."



Staff member
So, which is it, is gender so immutable that transitioning is fake, or is gender so fragile that the act of voting for a woman instantly changes your gender? You can't have both, smoothbrain.
I have twin brothers that went off on a 80+ post meme war. Fuck that shit. It was dumb as hell. Because the Trumpist kept posting the dumbest shit and tried to rope me into his shit.

I did not want to get involved. Because the shit he wanted me to reply to was the "attempt" on the candidate. I do not want to say at all that I could not miss at that range.