Comic Book News

Also if Ethan Van Scriver still has close contacts at my company that would allow him to spoil something that big for more reactionary garbo that's something I feel would need fixing.
After nearly four years, Saga #55 is out today. I created a Twitter account mostly as a joke because of how long this hiatus has been, but goddamn did it feel good to tweet this.

Fables co-creator Bill Willingham, frustrated with DC Comics' treatment of him, has declared Fables is now public domain.

Which is odd since the characters are all public domain fairy tale characters in the first place. But he now says that world and the versions of those characters are public domain.

I'm honestly not sure if he can legally do this.

DC Comics has responded with a big ol' "NOPE!" So we'll see.

On the one hand, DC Comics (and other publishers) are notorious for screwing over creators. So it'd fun to see where this fight goes.

On the other hand, Bill Willingham is an unrepentant staunch Conservative asshole. I don't know if he's throwing a big temper tantrum. I honestly don't want him to win, either.

This feels like a "the two worst people are fighting" kind of thing.

Next you'll tell me Marvel's EIC is a white guy who pretended to be Japanese to get a job at Marvel and still works there.
I thought that Jim Lee drew him too big back in the day (though Lee is one mlof my favs).

The logo is silly. Batman and his logo are both on steroids?
Batman's chest logo looks terrible, but I take it that it is supposed to be some kind of protective plate? In which case I guess it makes sense to be kind of blocky to cover as much vital area as possible. If that's the case you'd think he'd want to protect the rest of his innards as well, but whatever. Honestly I kind of dig the cape-as-weapon. It's ridiculous, but I'm into it as a concept.

I'm never going to be mad about women with swords, so I'm into the WW design. I don't know how I feel about Superman, seems the least interesting on the surface. He's one character where changing things around kind of misses the point for me.


Staff member
Batman's chest logo looks terrible, but I take it that it is supposed to be some kind of protective plate?
Maybe, but it also matches his axe.
Absolute Batman has an Axe.jpg

I'm still unclear as to why Batman has an axe, or a severed spine. Also, why does this emblem have texture?