Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

I ordered a rolly 'tractor' chair for the workshop, so I can quit dragging out my print room chair whenever I'm working out there. It arrived today.

It was made in China. It weighs about 12 lbs. My 60-something year old, frail looking USPS lady carried it in one hand. I get it inside and see this sticker.

Maybe they should eat more red meat in China ;)



Staff member

Edward G. Robinson must have made a monkey's paw wish... his contributions to acting will be remembered forever... but only as two barely-english syllables.
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Edward G. Robinson must have made a monkey's paw wish... his contributions to acting will be remembered forever... but only as two barely-english syllables.
Didn't you already post a supercut from TMNT or some other cartoon illustrating this very thing?

Action Park is probably the reason this shirt exists:

Seriously, though, one trip to Action Park was enough for a lifetime. I'm happy just to have left with minor injuries. Thanks, Mom!
You know, I've heard people say we need a new Muppet movie, but I don't think Muppets: Dune is really the right way to go. On the other hand, a giant sandworm that looks like Slimy might be strangely adorable.