[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Client: "Hey, we've made some changes to your translation, and we'd like you to follow these changes for all translations in the future."

Us: "Sure, we'll do our best to take your suggestions on board. What changes did you make?"

Client: "We deleted all instances of the definite article 'the'."

Us: "Excuse me, what?"

Client: "Yeah, our reviewer, who studied for many years in the US, made the edits, and he said the definite article isn't necessary."

Us: "Excuse me, WHAT???"

Client: "So yeah, in the future, please make sure you don't use the definite article in any of your English translations for us."

Us: "EXCUSE ME, WHAT?!?!?"

So... guess who gets to give our client a grammar lesson today.
I am having Murder By Death flashbacks where Peter Sellers was doing a racist send up of Charlie Chan. And Truman Capote was yelling at him for not using his articles.


  • Sidney Wang: What meaning of this, Mr. Twain?
  • Lionel Twain: I will tell you, Mr. Wang, if YOU can tell ME why a man who possesses one of the most brilliant minds of this century can't say his *prepositions* or *articles!* "What IS THE," Mr. Wang! "What IS THE meaning of this?"
  • Sidney Wang: That what I said! "What meaning of this?"
I should note that articles do not exist in Chinese grammar, so it is indeed a bit hard for native Chinese speakers to learn how to use them properly. Accidentally leaving them out, using them when they're not necessary, and accidentally mixing up definite/indefinite articles are all common errors.

But to come to us and claim that definite articles are entirely unnecessary has led to a forehead-shaped divot on my desk.
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I should note that articles do not exist in Chinese grammar, so it is indeed a bit hard for native Chinese speakers to learn how to use them properly. Accidentally leaving them out, using them when they're not necessary, and accidentally mixing up definite/indefinite articles are all common errors.

But to come to us and claim that definite articles are entirely unnecessary has led to a forehead-shaped divot on my desk.
Why even hire you to translate if they're so certain they know better?
Why even hire you to translate if they're so certain they know better?
The reasons vary.

1. Some are angling for a discount. If they can say "we had to make so many changes to your translation, it was terrible, you should only charge us half price", they're going to try it.

2. Some do it for ego. They believe they have amazing English skills, and it'd feel good if they can show up the professional translators. Ever looked at a carpentry job or plumbing job, and thought to yourself, "Psht, I can do better than that"? Similar feeling, except they actually do try to do better than us.

3. Sometimes they really do have the ability to improve our translation, for example they know the specific field or terminology better than us because we're not subject experts, in such cases their edits are usually good and we can learn from them. Oftentimes they hire us instead of doing it themselves because they don't have time, or they'd just rather spend the money.

4. Sometimes they're just stupid.


Staff member
Our plant is currently doing its annual shutdown. Tomorrow will be my 8th 12.5 hour day in a row. It's a minor rant because that paycheck is going to fucking rock. And it comes on the day we leave for vacation for two weeks.

So if you fucks don't see me until like November 8 it's not because I hate you or this place, it's just that I'm relaxing in a heated pool or on the beach and not thinking of you or work at all. AT ALL.
Our plant is currently doing its annual shutdown. Tomorrow will be my 8th 12.5 hour day in a row. It's a minor rant because that paycheck is going to fucking rock. And it comes on the day we leave for vacation for two weeks.

So if you fucks don't see me until like November 8 it's not because I hate you or this place, it's just that I'm relaxing in a heated pool or on the beach and not thinking of you or work at all. AT ALL.
Hope you have a relaxing and restful vaca! We will try not to burn the place down while you're gone.


Staff member
I tried to watch Alien: Romulus tonight and immediately lost all interest as soon as I heard every single character speaking with cockney accents so thick they might as well had mouthfuls of marbles. I am sick to death of the overuse of cockney for the last 5 years or so. I'd rather be on the phone with overseas tech support for 3 hours than watch a movie full of cockney jibberish.