I feel like I should be tagged.
Found in a wall near you.
I don't care what you say, Big Bowl gold mushroom cowboy meat sounds delicious and I want one.
The Chinese for this dish is 四宝田鸡, literally translated it means "four treasure field chicken". "Field chicken" is a bit of a euphemistic way to refer to frogs, because frog meat actually has a texture that's similar to chicken, so Chinese peasants who didn't have access to chicken or couldn't afford to buy it would catch frogs in their rice paddies and eat them instead, calling it "field chicken". (I suppose it's a bit similar to "Rocky mountain oysters".)What kind of frog treasures are we talking?
Also "city chicken" or "roof rabbit," though that second one is ... yeah, you should probably make sure nobody uses that one in a translation. Ever.(I suppose it's a bit similar to "Rocky mountain oysters".)
CSG, MIND, Five9, Beauceron, Verint, Procedure Flow, Serviceability...This gets to be more true every month
Awefully true. But for most of us there should be a lot of untouched donuts.
If only it weren't coiled up and laid inside the casket.An air hose in case they're not quite gone yet seems useful
My teen has coarse curly red hair, so there is a lot of talk of that, and not so much it being soft.Requesting authenticity confirmation from our resident redheads:
Only inaccurate because there aren't enough untouched donuts.