
Staff member
My belt has one belt hole that makes my pants too tight, and then other is too loose. Do I need belt and suspenders now!? Is that how this happens?
This is why I got a ratcheting belt.

Well, two ratcheting belts, actually. The first one I got was cheap, and the ratcheting mechanism was so bad that just breathing in would cause it to slip. If you do buy one, make sure you get something with a quality buckle.
This is why I got a ratcheting belt.

Well, two ratcheting belts, actually. The first one I got was cheap, and the ratcheting mechanism was so bad that just breathing in would cause it to slip. If you do buy one, make sure you get something with a quality buckle.
I used to have one but the belt disintegrated. I need to see if I still have that buckle.
I prefer stretch belts. I've had an Arcade belt for 5 years, still going strong. Also have a braided stretch belt of unknown branding that was given to me as a gift that I also like.
I prefer stretch belts. I've had an Arcade belt for 5 years, still going strong. Also have a braided stretch belt of unknown branding that was given to me as a gift that I also like.
I scoffed at stretch clothing when I was younger. I scoff no more. I am so much more comfortable now. I will look into stretchy belts.
I have the stomach flu, which is obviously unpleasant but I slept in the guest room last night so as to not get my wife/baby sick. I'm pretty sure that was the first night since the night before the wedding where I got to sleep alone with no baby, pets, or wife to wake me.

I slept about 14 hours.
Customer: "Can you adjust my package?"
(Referring to his cable package)

Uhh, that's a little forward. Maybe buy me dinner first?

(I work in Accounts Receivable now, so I transferred him to Customer Service so THEY can adjust his package.)
Switched almost entirely from 9Gag to Imgur for funny videos, memes, gags, etc.

Less Russian propaganda
Less Chinese propaganda
Less Israeli propaganda
Less Republican propaganda
Less antitrans messaging
Less racism
Less antisemitism
Less pro-Musk messaging
Less sexism

Noticing how 30% of this board is just @GasBandit being an Imgur aggregator for our enjoyment.


Staff member
On Reddit I usually don’t worry about which sub I’m in. I go all and look at the posts. You get more interesting posts that way. Today before I went to bed I made a comment on an lgbtq sub where someone talked about how her father hated her since she came out as trans. My comment said you need a dad reach out & I’ll dad the shit out of you. I then went to bed.

Woke up to a shitload of chat requests and have been going nonstop. I knew that it was difficult but holy shit. Fucking parents, man. They are your fucking kids! You. Don’t understand? TALK TO THEM! Instead they call them freaks, tell them they just need to get laid, etc.
On Reddit I usually don’t worry about which sub I’m in. I go all and look at the posts. You get more interesting posts that way. Today before I went to bed I made a comment on an lgbtq sub where someone talked about how her father hated her since she came out as trans. My comment said you need a dad reach out & I’ll dad the shit out of you. I then went to bed.

Woke up to a shitload of chat requests and have been going nonstop. I knew that it was difficult but holy shit. Fucking parents, man. They are your fucking kids! You. Don’t understand? TALK TO THEM! Instead they call them freaks, tell them they just need to get laid, etc.
I’m thankful that my parents have been supportive and loving after I came out. But I was still scared to. There are so many stories of trans youth being completely cast out by their families for just being who they are. It breaks my heart and I wish we were in a better place financially in order to help them.

Just being a father figure that expresses love and support can mean so much. Go to Pride Events and give out free Dad Hugs. Tell them you’re proud of them. Just have tissues with you for the tears.
There is an annual pride parade in the larger town where I live just outside of and have thought of bringing a sign to it one of these times:

"I am not *your* father, but I am *a* father, and I support you being *you*." (*'s for emphasis)

Probably am going to need a ton of tissues...

My wife and myself have told our son (just turned 16) that we don't care about anyone he loves/doesn't love/what-have-you - as long as he is happy.
My wife and myself have told our son (just turned 16) that we don't care about anyone he loves/doesn't love/what-have-you - as long as he is happy.
Mr. Z and I have taken this approach since Li'l Z was small. We've also made points over the years that love is love, and there's no one way to be happy. I'm hoping that it not only help him, but if anyone he knows is struggling, they can come to us for support.
Li'l Z comes home from school today, and tells me he had a substitute for science class today. It was a nun.

A nun. In full habit. Teaching a public school science class.

Guys, I can't even with this world anymore. Nothing makes sense.
I mean, as long as she actually taught the class and didn't interject anything unplanned into the lesson, I don't think it's a big deal. At my college there was a nun (or I guess probably a religious sister) who tutored math, she was pretty cool.
Agreed, but it's just such a "...huh?!" moment. We've got a pretty good number of Catholic and/or parochial schools around here. That a nun has a side hustle as a public school sub raises so many questions.
Li'l Z comes home from school today, and tells me he had a substitute for science class today. It was a nun.

A nun. In full habit. Teaching a public school science class.

Guys, I can't even with this world anymore. Nothing makes sense.
I thought Catholic nuns stopped wearing the full habit in the 1960's. Are you sure this was a real nun? It sounds like Lil'Z might have inadvertently wandered into a 1980's wacky comedy - start checking for hijinks, petty thieves trying to lie low, or people being put in witness protection.
I thought Catholic nuns stopped wearing the full habit in the 1960's. Are you sure this was a real nun? It sounds like Lil'Z might have inadvertently wandered into a 1980's wacky comedy - start checking for hijinks, petty thieves trying to lie low, or people being put in witness protection.
I was talking to some other moms, and their kids have had her as a sub for science as well. And she was in full nun ...uniform? then as well. I don't remember the nuns at my church or CCD classes in the 90's wearing the habit anymore, either. Maybe she wears it to the put the fear of god into these little middle school heathens? :D Whatever the case, I expressed my disappointment that she wasn't teaching music instead.
I somehow missed that there is a guy named Mr Beast. My kids asked to watch Beast games and they were like "OMG it's Mr Beast!". And then they had to explain who this guy was. As popular as he is, I don't know how I missed it. My YT algorithm is full of guitars, woodworking, and cooking. Mr Beast never made it to my suggested list. Having said that, I haven't missed much. But it's the first time my kids had a pop culture reference that I didn't know. Sad day.
My YT algorithm is full of guitars, woodworking, and cooking. Mr Beast never made it to my suggested list.
What??? Next you'll be telling me you've never seen a promo for SSSniperWolf!

(I don't sign into YouTube unless I absolutely have to, and I clear cookies constantly, so YT's recommendations are almost always based on generic "here's what's popular" and SSSW is always in the top 20 or so recommendations, no matter what)