Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

I feel you, Xlr8_87. I really do. And I can't say why because my wife still comes into this forum from time to time.
Me, at the time: "There was a thing, but I took care of it."
Her: "What happened?"
Me: "You don't want to know."
Her: "No. Really, what happened?"
Me: "I'm not telling you, because I know you couldn't handle it."
Her: "..."

Look, there's only a very limited number of bodily orifices a spider could crawl out of that would be worse than the ear.


Staff member
The REAL reason why Inquisitor Amberley Vail took it upon herself to edit, revise, abridge, and supplement the memoirs of Commissar Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM)

(It is canon that Cain preferred to let Colonel Regina Kasteen precede him up stairs specifically so he could admire the view, and also so that if there were any ambushes she'd be in front of him. Also she has red hair. Smart man, Ciaphas)
I just had a holy shit moment. This woman looks 99.9% like a friend of mine who's also named Mary, although my Mary is over 10 years older than her and has a different last name. But I was just scrolling down and was all like "WTF WHY IS MARY IN THE FUNNY PICTURES THREAD???"

Although I know TV shows can sometimes fudge people's ages and names, so I think I'm going to message my Mary and ask her 1) if she's been on TV lately, and 2) how she downloads her music.