Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

This was not an unexpected outcome. If you claim it is, you are one of the[se?] two:
  1. Extremely gullible, to the point of willful ignorance.
  2. A lying, manipulative opportunist.
Been saying this for years:
A vote for Trump is--LITERALLY--a choice made either out of ignorance or malice/greed. Or both. There is no other possibility. And anyone who says they are voting for Trump for some other reason is lying to your face and actually doing so for one of the [two] reasons I just mentioned.
I will never understand how so many people thought Trump was the better option, and I am including racists/pedophiles. Even verifiable racists and pedophiles should've been like, "Yeah, this would ultimately not be a good idea." Talk about yer single-issue voters, sheesh.

They are trying to eliminate everyone who is draining the money Elon & Co believe to be rightfully theirs. The fatter the government coffers, the more available for them to divert into their own pockets. Their avarice has grown to the point that corporations are no longer sufficient to feed their greed, now only the wealth of an entire nation will do.

From what I understand, these are all IVF babies, not "oops", so he has to be promising big $$ for these women to keep having his anchor babies.